Call to Order: Lisa Lopatofsky, President 8:00 pm
Conflicts: None given
Present: Molly Black, Gordon Boe, Juli Baumgarner, Johnine Bickauskas, Danielle Cieply, Jessica Coffin, Elizabeth Foster, Kristina Kezmarsky, Lisa Lopatofsky, Meg Meyers, Sandra Salerno, Dixie Stachnik ,Abby Denis
Absent: Julia Murray
Approval of March, 2024 Minutes
Motioned - Meg Meyers
Seconded – Kristina Kezmarsky
All in favor, the minutes were approved.
Gordon Boe -
Full report available to general membership upon request.
Approval of March/April Treasurer’s Report
Motioned – Molly Black
Seconded - Dixie Stachnik
All in favor, the treasurer's report was approved.
*All committee action plans are saved in the shared drive
Membership Sandra Salerno (Lead)
- Sandra to follow up with individuals who have expiring PPDB memberships, and ask for them to renew if they would like.
Outreach Molly Black (Lead)
- Exhibitor Table at FLC - Gordon Boe will represent
- PPDB Day at Hershey Park 6/23/24 - the 6 families will receive tickets at FLC - total cost was $812.90 - Thank you to Danielle for helping to organize this event. Please take a photo and share on social media.
Fundraising Gordon Boe (Lead)
- We submitted the application for Alliance Member for the Philly Walk4Hearing - PPDB will get 40% of the proceeds of individuals who register with PPDB for the walk.
Advocacy Lisa Lopatofsky (Lead)
- No Day on the Hill update yet - meetings still being held virtually; NFADB PIE Committee meeting 5/14 - Gordon will need to give monthly updates going forward. No in person meetings took place with individuals from PA.
Nominations Committee
*NOTE: All voting members present with exception of Julia Murray
- Board Application - David Coffin
- Vote to Accept Nomination and New Board Member
- Motion: Molly Black, seconded by Lisa Lopatofsky, voice vote recorded, all in favor, motion carried.
- Motion: Molly Black, seconded by Lisa Lopatofsky, voice vote recorded, all in favor, motion carried.
- Vote to Accept Nomination and New Board Member
- Secretary Position -
- Vote to Accept Nomination of Dixie Stachnik for Secretary.
- Motion: Lisa Lopatofsky, seconded by Gordon Boe, voice vote recorded, all in favor, motion carried.
- Motion: Lisa Lopatofsky, seconded by Gordon Boe, voice vote recorded, all in favor, motion carried.
- Vote to Accept Nomination of Dixie Stachnik for Secretary.
- President Position -
- Vote to Accept Nomination of David Coffin for President
- Motion: Johnine Bickauskas, seconded by Gordon Boe, voice vote recorded, all in favor, motion carried. Congratulations to David Coffin for being elected PPDB President!
- Motion: Johnine Bickauskas, seconded by Gordon Boe, voice vote recorded, all in favor, motion carried. Congratulations to David Coffin for being elected PPDB President!
- Vote to Accept Nomination of David Coffin for President
PPDB Banquet/FLC -
*Beth Foster suggested printing the bios and questions on paper for the panelists*
David, PPDB, President -Welcome
Patti, NFADB President
Jacqueline I. - Guest Speaker, NFADB
Family Panelists -
Susan Green, Parent to Adult Hannah Green
Sue Shaffer, Parent to Adult Daniel Shaffer
Heather Schoenwald, Adult who is DeafBlind
Andrea Johnson, Parent to Adult C.J.
Vickie McMurtrie, Parent to Hunter
- Program for Handout/Tables for Banquet - 75 copies needed, will be printed by PATTAN
- Schedule meeting with Panelists - Molly will schedule and invite board
- Lisa will Invite Visco Family to FLC
- Approve mileage for Heather Schoenwald’s travel expenses, approximate amount from Bethlehem, PA to State College, PA - 340 miles @ government rate .67 = $227.80 - Vote was recorded. Molly Black made the motion, Lisa Lopatofsky 2nd, all were in favor, the motion carries.
- Reminder - next Board Meeting, Secretary to send out notice for Committee membership
- Zoom Account - no longer have the privilege of using PaTTAN’s -
- No Board Meeting is currently scheduled for July but should we have one? The board spoke and decided to do the training between outgoing and incoming president as needed, but without an official board meeting. The meetings will officially begin again in September 2024.
- PPDB will no longer have a representative on NFADB’s Affiliate Network quarterly meetings. Need to designate a new representative. - Gordon Boe agreed to be the new affiliate
GOOD OF THE ORDER: We look forward to seeing everyone at the upcoming Family Learning Conference!
Respectfully Submitted,
Sandra Salerno, PPDB Secretary