Call to Order: David Coffin, President
Conflicts: none
Present: David Coffin, Molly Black, Abby Denis, Kristina Kezmarski, Johnine Bikauskas, Sandra Salerno, Juli Baumgarner, Special Advisor, Elizabeth Foster, Special Advisor
Excused Absence: Dixie Stachnik, Gordon Boe, Julia Murray
Absent: Meg Meyers,
Approval of November 2024 Minutes
Motioned - Kristina Kezmarsky
Seconded – Molly Black
All in favor, motion carried.
Gordon Boe -
Full report available to general membership upon request.
Approval of October/November/December 2024 Treasurer’s Reports
Motioned – Molly
Seconded - Kristina
All in favor.
*All committee action plans are saved in the shared drive
Membership - Sandra Salerno (Lead) Reported:
- An Email was sent to individuals with expired memberships.
- An Email was posted to listserv with “New Year” member drive - 5 free memberships to first NEW families/individuals who reach out. There was one referral from the DeafBlind Project, which Sandra will follow-up with.
- David will download a list of PayPal transactions during 2024 in order to verify any new memberships with Sandra. She would like to make sure the member list is up to date, and compare the PayPal transactions of 2024 to make sure we didn’t miss anyone.
Outreach Molly Black (Lead): Molly Reported
- Spring Social Gathering(s) will be planned, hoping in all regions of the state
- Molly will schedule Outreach Meeting with the following Committee members:
- FLC2025 Participation - Molly is meeting with Patti McGowan to determine preliminary participation at FLC2025.
Fundraising Gordon Boe (Lead) - no report
Advocacy Gordon Boe (Lead) - no report
Affiliate Committee - Gordon & Abby
Abby shared that at the November Affiliate meeting the discussion centered around what other states are doing - examples are:
How to increase membership and active involvement;
Delivering monthly webinars on IEP’s and Parent Rights;
Spanish/English versions in FL;
Annual Holiday parties in schools for the deaf around the state schools;
Molly asked about the “Day on the Hill”, but no direction has come from NFADB so far.
- Accept Resignation of Danielle Cieply.
- Nomination Committee - The President appointed Molly Black to Co-Chair along with David Coffin. Some of the nomination policy schedule may need to be amended because of meetings happening every other month, unless process can occur through emails, which may allow for the schedule to remain the same and voting to occur at the May meeting.
Motioned: Abby
Seconded: Kristina
Meeting adjourned at 8:42 PM
Respectfully Submitted,
Molly Black
for Dixie Stachnik, PPDB Secretary