As parents of extraordinary children, our minds are always ‘on’. Waiting for the next blow. Even when I have a few months of wonderful, in the back of my head I’m always waiting for the other shoe to drop. Many of you know about the past 3+ years and Shane’s almost monthly trips to the ER. Well, we just went 6 months without an ER trip AND admission! Then, bam. Shane gets sick and we are back. Everything I thought I moved past and dealt with comes flooding back. It hit me hard. I always know he will go back to the ER at some point, but darn, those 6 months were really nice.
There are studies that compare the stress of special needs parents to that of combat veterans. I believe that to be true.
I want to share this with you so you know you’re never alone! Please talk to someone and please know PPDB and I am here for you. Please reach out.
We live unique lives and I’m beyond blessed to be Shane’s mother. Just know it’s ok to say you’re stressed and to say you need a night off. Taking care of yourself makes you a better parent.
-Kristina Kezmarsky, PPDB President