Minutes of the January 13, 2020 Board of Directors Meeting
Present: Tammy Kitterman, Juli Baumgarner, Patti McGowan, Gordon Boe, Lisa Lopatofsky, Sandra Salerno, Molly Black
Excused Absence – Tina Hertzog
Call to Order: Meeting was called to order at 8:08 PM by Tammy Kitterman, President
No Conflicts of Interest were indicated by the Board.
Motion to approve November’s minutes: Patti made the motion and it was seconded by Gordon Boe. Motion Passed.
Treasurer’s Report: Gordon Boe presented the following report:
Reported receipts of 131.13 – PayPal transfer, and an expenditure of $150 to reimburse Gordon for deposit of puppeteer for FLC = $2,943.00 balance.
General Discussion:
Regretfully, Kristina Kezmarsky resigned her position as President. Resignation Letter is attached to these minutes. Tammy Kitterman, is stepping up from Vice-President to President and will complete Kristina Kezmarsky’s term. She will work with PNC Bank to become a signatory on the checking account.
Tammy requested that major changes be made and the overall feeling of the current Board is that not much has been accomplished over the past year. Tammy is asking that we commit to getting things accomplished, and all responded in the affirmative.
Tammy is requesting that we get our bylaws updated before the next meeting. Lisa volunteered to review the Bylaws with Tammy. Sandra also asked that she be informed when they are meeting and she will also try to be on that call to review as well.
Molly will take over the follow-up with Bob Veinovich, for the possible fundraising opportunity through The Healing Center.
In the position as NFADB Affiliate Liaison, Lisa indicated that she is able to attend the scheduled conference call meetings on March 2nd, June 1st and Sept. 14th and will report back to the PPDB Board.
Tammy forwarded a complete list of Members to each Board member.
Discussion was held around the possibility of eliminating the position of Vice-President, but no clear decision was made.
Patti forwarded the FLC Save the Date to Tammy and she added it the PPDB Website.
Juli will reach out to Tina for a possible professional/special advisor recommendation to be on the Board, as well as a possible location for a central Social Outreach. Sandra will also be considering ideas to share for central Social Outreach locations.
Juli asked about the 990 Form and Gordon will follow-up with that action. This is for filing our Tax Exempt Status. A Whistle Blower Policy and a Retention and Destruction Document will also be created in order that the Board be informed and General membership can reference. Patti will share these forms from NFADB for comparison/reference. Patti also shared that an Operations Manual was created for NFADB and it appears that NFADB wants to help the affiliates to create their own.
For the purposes of reporting for the Minutes, Juli indicated that Toolkit #3 was now completed.
The Agenda for next month’s General Board Membership meeting was discussed and Molly and Tammy will work to develop this and send to members for review.
It was suggested that each Board member send a Note of thanks to Kristina for the time she served as general member of the Board and as its President. Her address is: 23 Elizabeth Street, Millvale, PA 15209
Meeting Adjourned at 9:10 PM
Respectfully Submitted,
Molly Black, Secretary
January 10, 2020
Molly Black, Secretary
Pennsylvania Partnership for the Deafblind
Re: Resignation
Dearest Molly,
Please view this letter as my official resignation as President of the Pennsylvania Partnership for the Deabflind effective immediately. I will assist the Executive Committee to the best of my abilities during this transition.
I have enjoyed my time as President of PPDB and thoroughly enjoyed working with you and the rest of the board. Thank you very much for your time and I hope to work together again in the future.
[email protected] 724.884.3586