February 13, 2017
Role call at 7:33pm by Patti McGowan - Vice President
Called to order and welcome 7:34PM by Sue Shaffer - President
Members present:
Sue Shaffer, President
Patti McGowan, Vice-President
Saneeka Macon, Secretary
Shelley Lil, Treasurer
Kristina Kezmarsky, board member
Tammy Kitterman, board member
Jackie Brennan, professional member
Juli Baumgarner, professional member
Members excused:
Gabe Radzik, board member
Guest members:
Molly Black, board member elect
Gordon Boe, board member elect
Jodi Reeves, board member elect
Andrea Johnson
Meeting minutes: Approval of December 2016 minutes. Patti made the motion, Jackie 2nd the motion. Motion carried minutes approved
Treasurer Report: Shelley Lill, Treasurer
Starting balance January $2438.90
West conference call $14.76
1/1 Internet $44.58
Ending balance $2379.56
Committee Updates:
- Outreach Committee: Kristina Kezmarsky
- Bowling Day @ WPSBC on Saturday, Feb. 18, 2017. There are 8-10 families signed and confirmed to attend. We’ll provide beverages and food.
- Molly Black and Patti McGowan will exhibit PPDB at the State Representative Dan Miller’s 4th Annual Children & Youth Disability and Mental Health Summit & PEAL Conference March 22, 2017
- Spring Swimming Day at Overbrook School- Day TBD, but Jackie’s going to target April or early May. Saneeka and Andrea will help with the event and get the word out.
- PPDB will be asked to exhibit at FLC 2017 at the Penn State June 23rd & 24th. Tammy and Kristina offered to represent PPDB, as long as there aren’t any speaking engagements.
- Nominations: Jackie Brennan
- Jackie announced the slate. Gordon asked if the number of board members is capped at 10 or 11 members. After reading through and interpreted the bylaws we “the board” determined the number of elected board members does not limit us to 10 members.
- Molly Black, board member elect
- Gordon Boe, board member elect
- Jodi Reeves, board member elect
- Sue made a motion vote on the board member elects
- Kristina 2nd the motion, entire board in favor no nays
- Outreach ideas for Central PA - There’s a children’s museum in Gettysburg or York that might be a good outreach event. Sue will talk to Gabe about it.
- Shout Out Schedule - Saneeka added the new board members to the list. See the updated schedule below. Please remember to email your Shout-out the [email protected] to be added to the website in addition to posting on the PPDB list-serv and the PPDB Facebook page.
- Gordon suggested we add bios of the board to our website - Saneeka ask that you send the following by February 28:
- Name
- Title
- Email address
- 3-5 lines who you are, where are you from, and how/why you’re apart of PPDB or who in your life is deafblind.
- Saneeka give us an update on the 2 new sections of the website, Minutes and Shout-out, I will be adding the new board members to the Shout-out list, see below.
- Sue asked if members attending the Bowling Day 2/18/17 would take picture of participate to be added to the website, but be sure to get a complete photo release form. Contact Sue to a photo release form.
- Patti suggested we all take a look at Andrea’s Facebook page that’s especially for parents and caregivers. The page is a closed group that requires approval to view and post, but Patti fines the content helpful and informative.
- Saneeka asked the board to send her a quick email to confirm she has the correct email address on file.
- Next PPDB Full Board Meeting: April 10, 2017 7:30pm
Gordon’s grand daughter Kayla had a little boy and Gordon and Mary welcomed their 1st great grandson.
Shout-out assignments - EDITED
- January Shelley
- February Gabe
- March Sue
- April Patti
- May Saneeka
- June Kristina
- July Tammy
- August Jackie
- September Juli
- October Molly
- November Gordon
- December Jodi