Tammy, Patti, Juli, Saneeka, Gordon, Shelley, molly, (Kristina, Jackie) Roll call
PPDB Full Board Meeting: August 13, 2018 at 7:40pm
Phone number: 515-604-9524 Access code: 965265
Welcome and Call to Order (Kristina)
Treasurer’s Report (Shelley)
Approve April and June minutes (Patti motion, Juli, second) Board will approve April minute via email
Old Business
Outreach - Report from FLC (Molly) Regards to PPDB the basket was a success. The current board member introduced themselves. 26 families attended FLC
Letter of Support from PPDB to the PA Deaf-Blind Project.
The Project is writing for the new 5 year grant. PA DB projects grant ends at the end of Sept (9/30). To families that attend FLC there was a sample letter in the package (Patti trying to get an electronic copy). We don’t know who the letter should be addressed to nor what will be in the letter yet. PPDB will fall under agency, (president or secretary of PPDB) and the family should be submitted letter and anyone that has benefited from the project. Molly or Patti will send to a request to the EC board.
Two updates - Lynn Fox is leaving PATTaN and Michele Balynnski too. Jane Freedom is retiring. There will be new positions down the road.
New Business
Medical Marijuana--should we resend letters (Full board) Tammy send the letter she sent out were returned undelivered. So suggested we wait until the dispensers are up and running. (Pitt, Philly, and middle of the state areas have some opening) Shelly will try to get a list of the open dispensaries. Shelley will work with Tammy to get new letters out. 64 letter in total were sent Sept 2017.
Fundraising (Gordon) Send out a doodle, with ideas, the board will vote and talk about those things our next meeting.
Good of the order
October 2008 (check the date) our 501c3 was created. We can come up with a campaign to play on the year. (August 2008)
Gordon will forward the email he has about the 501c and Patti will work with Molly on a flier and we’ll see what we come up with.
Annual Membership meeting (Jackie?) EC will review minutes to see when the annual membership meeting should be.
Committee updates - Saneeka will reach out to Jackie about the OBS swim.
Tammy will the DB list-serv. after Kristina sends shout-out for Sept
Families or parent families to families communities F2FC (sept-may) monthly conference call.
There are a number of opportunities for family to get involved and have a different way of networking. There will be also be info in Spanish for Spanish speaking family
9/19 modules (pattan) link to pattan.net (training calendar)
The State Deaf-Blind Projects are still anxiously awaiting the release of the next 5 year grant. (It is really late this year)
NFADB has announced their new NFADB Board Members post nominations which will begin October 1, 2018,
They are:
President Elect: Patti McGowan, PA
VP: Diana Griffen, PA
Secretary: Julie McGuire, Nebraska
Treasurer: Jacqueline Izaguirre, TX
Affiliate Coordinator: Edgenie Bellah, TX
Mary Gyori, VT
Kim Houston, TX
Melanie Knapp, TX
Debra Pickens, NC
Myrna Medina, CA
NFADB is always looking for general members to be a part of their Action Plan Committees, the committee information can be found here: https://nfadb.org/ support-nfadb/volunteer/
Shout-out assignments
August Tammy
September Kristina - 501c campaign
October Saneeka
November Patti
December Molly
Adjourned 8:27 pm