Call to Order – Tammy 8:00 PM
Present: Tammy Kitterman, Gordon Boe, Juli Baumgarner, Lisa Lopatofsky, Johnine Bickauskas, Molly Black, Patti McGowan, Sandra Salerno
Conflicts to the Agenda - none stated
Approval of September Minutes – Molly motioned, Gordon Seconded, all in favor.
Treasurer’s report - Gordon - Molly motioned to approve, Lisa seconded, all in favor. Invoice sent to Gordon to pay Molly’s nephew for the logo.
Committee Updates
Tammy and Patty will meet first of November to get drive started.
New Business:
A. Review of Fundraising Modules – Juli - Toolkit 2- Financial Oversight Fundraising. After reviewing the toolkit we discussed possible need to budget for deaf-blind families in crisis. Gordon shared it is useful to share information back to our donors and non-profits regarding how their donations are used. Everyone needs to watch the 20 min video in Toolkit 2.
B. Review/discussion of responsibilities under the VP position and other responsibilities of all officer positions and general board members not currently outlined in Bylaws. We concluded that the VP position will be responsible to be the liaison to NFADB.
Old Business:
A. Progress on Brochure printing vs. copying and recreation by PaTTAN Publishing Department – Molly will send us a copy of the PaTTAN created brochure to see if we approve the change of format.
B. Strategic Planning – free, initial consult scheduled with PIVOT group? – Juli has a meeting planned on 2 pm on November 13, email her if you are interested in attending.
C. Holiday Mailing – Lisa & Johnine will send a picture for our children to color and use for the mailing.
D. Instagram/Twitter – Sandra - needs to work with
Good of the Order: No additional comments.
Adjournment: 8:58 pm
Respectfully Submitted, Sandra Salerno