Call to Order: 8:00 PM by president Tammy Kitterman
Present: Tammy Kitterman, Johnine Bickauskas, Julia Murray, Patti McGowan, Molly Black, Sandra Salerno, Special Advisor Juli Baumgarner, Gordon Boe, Lisa Lopatofsky
Guest: Rhonda Tyree
Approval of April 2021 Minutes: Lisa L. motioned, Gordon B. seconded, all in favor of approving
Treasurer’s Report: Gordon Boe
Lisa motioned to approve, Johnine seconded, all in favor of approving April 2021 treasurer’s report.
Membership – Tammy Kitterman - One new member for the month of April
Outreach – Patti McGowan/Molly Black – Working closely with Sandra, Lisa, and Johnine to prepare the presentation for FLC. Molly will send the agenda to the board along with the link to register for FLC.
Fundraising – Gordon Boe and Johnine Bickauskas - Discussion tabled until completion of strategic planning.
Nominations – Molly Black – We are pleased to welcome Julia Murray as a guest to our meetings until July when she will reach age 18 and can be officially voted on as a board member. Meghan Myers is working on her 2 letters of recommendations and we plan to vote on her application at the upcoming June meeting.
1. Strategic Planning - Rhonda Tyree was introduced at the beginning of the meeting and provided a summary of her offering as a consultant for the strategic planning related to PPDB. She has kindly offered to charge us only for the face to face hours and the preparations and meeting follow up will be provided pro-bono. She asked us to identify 3 board members who would be interested in forming a steering committee. Johnine, Lisa, Moly, and Juli will be joining the steering committee. Gordon motioned to approve to spend $500 on 4 hours of strategic planning. Sandra Seconded and all were in favor and the motion passed. Strategic planning will take place in August.
1. Facebook/IG/Twitter - Tammy is waiting to receive government docs to add the Facebook page as a non profit fundraiser. 2. Collaboration with John Reiman - We will table this until the fall. John has offered to provide a workshop for the PPDB
membership related to caregiver self compassion.
3. FLC - The board voted on allocating a one time $100 stipend to the first 25 PPDB member families who request this to be used as childcare for their dependent who experiences deaf blindness so they may attend the virtual conference. Gordon motioned, Lisa seconded, and all were in favor of passing this. Lisa has created a google document for the families to use to apply. This will be shared on the Facebook and
Listserv page and is only available to current members. The free memberships will be placed on hold until after the FLC in June.
Gordon B. Shared a very touching poem with the group.
Respectfully Submitted, Sandra Salerno
PPDB Secretary