(Annual Membership Meeting)
Call to Order: 8:04 PM
Present: Julia Murray (general member) Juli Baumgarner, Molly Black, Johnine Bickauskas, Tammy Kitterman, Gordon Boe, Lisa Lopatofsky,
Sandra Salerno, Patti McGowan
Approval of January 2021 Minutes: Molly motioned, Lisa seconded, motion passes.
Treasurer’s Report: Gordon Boe
Membership – Tammy Kitterman - There are currently 49 active memberships. We encourage new families to sign up though the donation received to apply toward new annual memberships.
Outreach – Patti McGowan -
- Used spring and summer to work internally on the Outreach Committee,
- developing the purpose and mission and an Action Plan
- General Member recommended PPDB to The Healing Center for a nonprofit to benefit from a Fundraiser. PPDB was given an award of 4700.00 Check. In September, The Healing Center hosted a podcast with PPDB to congratulate them on the fundraiser and a way for PPDB to bring awareness or its organization
- In the Spring, another generous member gave a donation to pay for 25 free 1 year family memberships. The Outreach plan rolled out a plan to offer this Free Membership to new families
- NOV/DEC – Holiday Mailing
- Updated our PPDB Brochure and partnered with the PA Deaf-Blind Project to have the PPDB included in their family mailing
Fundraising – Gordon Boe and Johnine Bickauskas - Tammy set up Pennsylvania Partnership for the deaf blind as a non profit with Amazon Smiles. We discussed ideas such as a virtual run or t-shirt sales. The committee will meet this month to discuss more.
Nominations – Molly Black - Call went out on February 1st to encourage general members to apply to become board members. The officer positions of Treasurer, VP, and special advisor are all up for renewal and these individuals have graciously agreed to continue to serve in the position unless there is interest expressed from others to run for these positions.
Strategic Planning – Juli Baumgarner
- Report out of meeting with Pivot Consultant. Juli B, Lisa L. and Molly B. attended on 1/29. Julie will share the information with Molly and Lisa to begin with and they will discuss and get this information out to the general board. The pivot group gave wonderful ideas for grant resources and fundraising ideas. The minimum for consulting is $500 if we choose to go that route.
Lisa Lopatofsky - field advocacy information
- 2/16/21 Advocacy training at 7:30 pm, this is good preparation for those wishing to participate in the day on the hill advocacy.
- Rare Disease day is 2/28/21
- PIE NFADB - Finished first position paper on interveners.
I/G and Twitter Sandra has set up, we need to link up with the Facebook account. We would like to know how the general membership uses social media and what type of content they would like to see from PPDB. Sandra to set up a time with Tammy to link the accounts.
GOOD OF THE ORDER: Thank you Julia Murray for attending! We encourage you to apply for a board position if you are interested.