June 11, 2018 at 7:30pm
Phone number: 515-604-9524
Access code: 965265
Welcome and call to order by Kristina Kezmarsky, President at 7:39pm
Members present Kristina Kezmarsky, President
Saneeka Macon, Secretary
Shelley Lill, Treasurer
Molly Black, Board member
Patti McGowan, Board member
Member absent
Gabe Radzik, Board member
Jackie Brennan, Professional member
Juli Baumgarner, Professional member
Member excused Gordon Boe, Board member
Tammy Kitterman, Vice-President
Board meeting minutes We will approve April and June minutes at the next meeting.
Treasurer’s report Shelley Lill, Treasurer
New business Medical Marijuana: Discussed resending letters to the dispensaries we formally reached out to.
State Grant The state DeafBlind Project’s 5 year grant will be up soon. OSEP money is provided based on the number of DB students registered with the state. PATTAN will apply for the grant again, request are due by July. Letters of support are needed by families and supporting programs. PPDB as an organization should submit a letter. There will be an announcement at FLC to reach out to the Malvern office on behalf of PPDB. NFADB is having a contest for a new logo, it’s open to the affiliates.
NFADB’s general membership meeting is July 10, 2018.
Outreach FLC: Basket theme for FLC is Night at the movies. There are three new families this year and 28 families total.
Shout-out assignments
August Tammy
September Kristina
October Saneeka
November Patti
December Molly
Meeting adjourned at 8:12pm