March 2019 Monthly Board Meeting Minutes
Date: March 11, 2019
Participants: Kristina Kezmarsky, President, Tammy Kitterman, VP, Molly Black, Secretary, Gordon Boe, Treasurer, Patti McGowan, Juli Baumgarner, Tina Hertzog
Excused Absences: Lisa Lopatofsky, Shelley Lill
Topic: Monthly Board Meeting
Next Phone Call or Meeting: April 8, 2019, 7:30 PM
Discussion Notes:
Call to Order: Kristina Kezmarsky, President at 7:32 PM
To the Board: Does anyone have a conflict with any of the following agenda topics? None expressed.
Kristina requested a Motion for the approval of the February 11, 2019 meeting minutes. Motion made by Tammy Kitterman seconded by Patti McGowan Full Board – Approved.
Kristina requested a Motion to approve the Annual General Membership Juli made the motion, and seconded by Patti. Full Board – Approved.
Treasurer’s report: shared by Gordon & Molly, as Shelley Lill, former Treasurer emailed the following information:
$111.87 deposit PayPal transfer - donation
$ 15.00 deposit (membership fee)
$ 50.97 deposit from 1and1 website
Balance of $2022.06
Current News:
Molly reached out to Sandra Salerno regarding her nomination to the PPDB General Board, and she indicated that she would be interested in joining the Board. Molly nominated Sandra to the general Board and Gordon seconded the Motion.
Kristina polled the Board as to how they vote for the addition of Sandra Salerno to the General Board:
Tammy: Yea
Molly: Yea
Gordon: Yea
Patti: Yea
Juli: Yea
Lisa: Excused
Tina: Yea
Shelley: Excused
Kristina: Yea
Conflicts of Interest forms for discussion: Patti and Tammy – these forms are adapted from NFADB. “Overview” will be changed to “Policy”. Ask that Lisa, Tina and Sandra will review Modules, which the rest of the Board has already viewed and discussed. The Board will follow this Conflict Policy as its guide. Individual Conflict of Interest Statements Forms should be completed by each Board member, signed, scanned and returned to Molly. Each line of the form should be completed whether there is a conflict or not. Do not leave any line blank when completing the form.
Juli has indicated that she would be available to discuss the information in the Modules for all new members, if necessary.
A specific Conflict Policy will be placed on the Agenda for the April Meeting for discussion and approval.
New committees (recruit from general membership to play a role): Molly suggested that we review what Committees we have and whether we need any additional. She suggested that when Committees are updated and new ones formed, that the lead might look to general membership to help with committee work. Molly will work with Patti to provide what Committee information we currently have on the Fundraising, Membership, and Outreach/Social Committees and report back next month.
Patti will send a copy of the Brochure to the Board and Tammy will to upload to website. (Completed)
Create an internal calendar/timeline of events for the board: Full Board
Tammy will create a private calendar for internal timeline events for committee meetings, membership drive etc. on the website. Tammy will forward link to full Board for the current Google account. (Completed) A discussion will occur next monthly meeting regarding the Google Suite and/or current drive account.
Discussion was held regarding PPDB funds and should we allocate a specific amount or percentage towards training/marketing/travel etc. and how much of our budget should we not exceed. Patti suggested we have a small finance committee to work with Gordon and a budget. She can share examples of what NFADB has done. If you are interested in joining this Committee please let Gordon know. Kristina will join this committee.
Molly reached out to Becky Fogle, Director of PaTTAN East to have another 150 color brochures printed again this year: Kristina will draft a ‘thank you’ letter and send it to Becky Fogle and provide Molly a copy. If any other board member wishes to write a thank you letter to Becky, her address is:
Rebecca Fogle, Director
333 Technology Drive
Malvern, PA 19355
Future News:
Coming up is Rep. Dan Miller’s Disability Summit: Molly and Patti are attending and will report back to the board at the next board meeting.
Juli will do a shout out focusing on Jackie and her long time work and how she was instrumental to PPDB and bringing the national agenda to PA. Juli will contact Gordon to help her with the history of PPDB and Jackie’s involvement. If anyone else has anything to add, please contact Juli directly.
Gift for Jackie: Please reply to the Board if you have any ideas on a gift.
Discussion was held on when to do the nominations for President and Vice President. They should stagger every other year opposite of Secretary and Treasurer. This would become part of the internal calendar. Patti asked whether Kristina or Tammy would take on an additional year so that the offices become staggered. Gordon reported that it was originally the President/Secretary that were linked in terms and Vice-President/Treasurer. Gordon said that he would work on a Policy statement for this.
March: Juli
April: Tammy
May: Kristina
June: Patti
July: Molly
August: Gordon
September: Lisa
October: Tina
November: Shelley
December: Sandra
January: Juli
February: Tammy
March: Kristina
For the Good of the Order: Juli would like to ask everyone to finalize Toolkit #3 on the next meeting. Board Agreed.
Action Plan/To Do:
Task: Conflict of Interest Forms
Lead: All Board Members
Timeline: April 8th Meeting
Questions/Notes: Leave no lines blank
Action Plan/To Do:
Task: Set up a Google Suite Account
Lead: Tammy
Timeline :April 8th meeting
Questions/Notes: If 501(c) (3) status is verified.
Action Plan/To Do:
Task: Policy Statement for staggering terms
Lead: Gordon
Timeline: April 8th
Action Plan/To Do:
Task: Toolkit #3
Lead: April 8th
Questions/Notes: Head up Review
Action Plan/To Do:
Task: Current Committee Makeup
Lead: Molly/Patti
Deadline: April 8th
Questions/Notes: Update
Action Plan/To Do:
Task: Share NFADB Finance Committee examples
Lead: Patti
Deadline: March 31
Questions/Notes: Forward to Gordon directly.
Meeting Adjourned: 8:24 PM
Respectfully Submitted,
Molly Black, Secretary