June 12, 2017
Called to order at 7:43pm and welcome by Kristina Kezmarsky, President
Members present:
Kristina Kezmarsky, President Tammy Kitterman, Vice-President Saneeka Macon, Secretary
Molly Black, board member
Gabe Radzik, board member Gordon Boe, board member
Patti McGowan, board member
Jackie Brennan, professional member
Juli Baumgarner, professional member Members excused:
Shelley Lil, Treasurer
Jodi Reeves, board member (resigned)
Meeting minutes: Approval of April 10, 2017 minutes. Saneeka made the motion, Tammy 2nd the motion. Motion carried minutes approved
Treasurers report - email Treasurer for details
New Business:
• NFADB Liaison update - There was a NFADB meeting on 5/30, and they wanted to know if the EC board and general board members would be interested in receiving training.
• NFADB sent approximately 40 brochure to be distributed at FLC. Patti and Molly aren’t sure if they will be added to the swag bags and left out on the PPDB table for people to grab.
• PPDB magnets for sale at FLC: The board decided to sell the magnets for $5
• PPDB raffle basket at FLC: Every board member is asked to donate to the basket. Kristina purchased a grill as her donation. Kristina is going to confirm with Shelley if members should send checks payable to
PPDB or Kristina c/o PPDB. Please send gift cards, cash, or checks to: • Kristina Kezmarsky
The board agreed we should sell the chances for $1. The raffle winner will be announced during lunch. Shelley and Kristina will be sitting at the PPDB table Friday night to welcome the families. They’ll have the basket on display Friday night and they’ll also sale the tickets. Kristina ordered the tickets and will bring them to FLC.
• Outreach and social activities for the summer? We’ll look to do something at OBS in the fall.
• Saneeka update on OBS swim. We had 13 people in attendance and everyone had a great time.
Family Learning Conference (FLC)
- There are 7 new families this year. Patti ask if some “veteran families” of PPDB will help her and Molly especially to make the new families feel welcome. There are 26 families confirmed to attend. Molly and Patti will review the family list and determine what families to connect with Tammy, Shelly, and Kristina. They’ve also asked that Tammy, Shelley, and Kristina listen out during the Friday night welcome session when the families share a little about their families and see if you all connect with a particular family.
- Thanks to Juli on behalf of PPDB is volunteering her time on Saturday to facilitate Sib Shop Experience Work Shop all day.
Old business:
Saneeka awaiting board bios and updated phone and email address and talent inventory from the full board.
Shout-out assignments
Next PPDB Full Board Meeting: August 14, 2017 7:30pm