October 10, 2016
Called to order 7:40PM by Sue Shaffer - President
Members present:
Sue Shaffer, President
Saneeka Macon, Secretary
Juli Baumgarner, professional member
Tammy Kitterman, board member
Members excused:
Patti McGowan, Vice-President
Shelley Lil, Treasurer
Jackie Brennan, professional member
Members absent:
Gabe Radzik, board member
Kristina Kezmarsky, board member
Meeting minutes: Approval of August 2016 minutes - Juli made the motion Saneeka and Tammy 2nd.
TREASURER’S REPORT: Shelley will send the updated treasurer’s report to the board.
Old business
Nothing new since Molly’s exhibit on behalf of PPDB at the Transition Conference in July. She sent her report via email to the board in August.
Is there a board member that would like to join the outreach committee? Please consider joining outreach, that way Patti could dedicate her time and efforts on membership.
Conference call with NFADB Affiliates
Edgenie sent a doodle to prepare for a conference call with the state affiliates and NFADB. Still waiting for a follow-up. Shelley is our liaison.
The membership drive will beginning Jan 1st, the “holiday” promo will start in December. We’ll share on the PPDB and Project DB Listservs and PPDB Facebook page.
New Business
Brochure edits
The updates are complete.
Membership Drive
See above.
Good of the order
Sue is the family liaison for the CHARGE Foundation. She’ll give an update to the board when she finds out what her roles and responsibilities will be. The first meeting is scheduled for 10/23/16.