August 10, 2020 Meeting Minutes
Call to Order: 8:00 PM Lisa Lopatofsky
Present: Juli Baumgarner (professional consultant/non-voting), Molly Black, Patti McGowan, Lisa Lopatofsky, Sandra Salerno, Gordon Boe, Johnine Bickauskas
Absent: Tammy Kitterman – approved absence
To the board: Molly disclosed the individual being considered to update our logo is her nephew.
Approval of Minutes: Molly Motioned, Gordon second, approved 6/0
Treasurer’s Report:
June Beginning Balance: $3,581.88 - $202.50 (micro cloths) - $112.50 (pens) - $51.94 (Website) = $3,214.94 ending balance
July Beginning Balance: $3,214.94 + $4,720 receipts = $7,934.94 ending balance
Treasurers report – approved 6/0
New Business:
- All members reviewed the marketing brochure. Molly will mark up the changes and send out. We discussed the need to ensure the brochure and website are cohesive, board members should review the list sent by Gordon and compare to wording on brochure. Juli mentioned stepping back on printing the brochure as an effort to streamline the process and wait until we are finished with strategic planning. Molly expressed concern with losing momentum on brochure and will work with Tammy to make changes suggested as we move toward our formal strategic planning. Will send out an updated brochure when appropriate for board to review and approve. Suggested adding social media information to brochure.
- Vote to update the logo. Molly’s nephew, Brandon O’Neill, offered to do for $100, Patti motioned to spend $100 to update the logo properly brailed, state straightened out, put on a clear background and add the website. Lisa seconded motion, all in favor 6/0
- Discuss holiday mailing. – postcard, general season’s greetings, all in favor pursuing – Lisa and Johnine will lead the project
- Instagram/Twitter – Sandra – will follow up with Tammy
- Note change to date of September meeting: Tuesday Sept. 8th 8:00 pm, Patti will receive an excused absence
- The Healing Center fundraiser update – Molly provided an update on the $4,720 received from The Healing Center. The Healing Center sold caps for $5.00 and gave 100% profits to PPDB, Tammy wrote and sent a thank you letter, pictures are posted on THC Facebook page, as well as PPDB’s Facebook page. Molly asked if we would consider voting for THC on the Tribune Review website as best CBD dispensary, one vote per email.
- Free family memberships! – update – To date, 7 families have taken advantage of the free memberships out of possible 25. The deadline is August 31, 2020 and more e-blasts will go out as a reminder.
Old Business:
- Purchase of exhibitor handout items. We plan to use the existing marketing materials already purchased, even though there is an error in logo.
- Shout Outs – E-voted to eliminate. Outreach will do periodically but will no longer occur monthly.
Committee Updates
- Bylaws Committee: Tammy and Lisa
- *Fundraising: Johnine, Gordon, and Sandra – plan to meet in August to do template
- *Membership Committee: Tammy, Patti, and Lisa – plan to meet in August – 7 people have taken advantage of free membership, 9 one year members, and 39 lifetime members, google suite can view membership list, 45 of 48 are on listserv – August 31 is end date of campaign
- *Outreach Committee: Molly/Patti – West, Lisa/Johnine – Central, Sandra - East
- Finance: Tammy, Gordon, Lisa
*Fundraising, membership, and outreach – can be general membership of PPDB, finance, bylaws, and nominations are only Board members.
- Strategic Planning – Juli mentioned we may want to consider using funds in the budget to hire someone to facilitate virtually. She estimates this will take 6 hours total, possibly broken up in 2 or 3 sessions.
Good of the Order – Gordon shared that he is having difficulty accessing pictures and the calendars on g-suite. The board discussed asking Tammy to host a possible g-suite tutorial for the board.
Adjournment – 9:07 PM