April 23, 2018 @ 7:30pm
Phone number: 515-604-9524
Access code: 965265
Welcome and call to order by Kristina Kezmarsky, President at 7:35pm
Members present:
Kristina Kezmarsky, President
Tammy Kitterman, Vice-President
Saneeka Macon, Secretary
Shelley Lill, Treasurer
Molly Black, Board member
Gordon Boe, Board member
Patti McGowan, Board member
Jackie Brennan, Professional member
Juli Baumgarner, Professional member
Member absent
Gabe Radzik, Board member
- Approval of the February 26, 2018 board meeting minutes
- Full Board Treasurer’s report: Shelley Lill, Treasurer
- New Business
Deafblind International Conference: Jackie, Patti, and Tammy attended the DB conference. There were a large number of international professionals, caregivers, and parents in attendance. Perkins School for the Blind kicked off the conference, there were attendees from DBI, NFABD, Network of the Americas, and the DeafBlind projects from all over. There were attendees from Central America, DeafBlind adults, and consumers in attendance too. Perkins supplied interpreters for the DeafBlind attendees. The international attendees were surprised at our approach to conferences in the US—we provide tips for working with children—their conferences are compromised of readouts on research. There were a total of 20 countries represented at the conference. Jackie shared that in Texas medicaid provides a wavier for DB adults to obtain an intervener to accompany them to events or appointments etc. As a parent group we should think about reaching out to lawmakers and work to get interveners certified and recognized. To get started, write a paragraph and send to Jackie. Include your wishes e.g. successes and frustrations—family stories can be really powerful. The state should recognize the role of an intervener and their credentials. Provide information to help policy makers understand the difference between an intervener and a para-educator. To help paint a picture of what its like for our kids Gordon suggested we explain what its like to have someone tell them what the weather is like, the news, what day it is, or the color of the walls.
- NFADB affiliate meeting April 3, 2018: Tammy gave us a quick update and followed up on the email she sent earlier this month.
- Dan Miller’s Disability Summit: Patti and Molly There were informational sessions about music and parent/child interaction therapy, transitions for early intervention to school, assistive technology, and transition to adulthood. Dan is also looking at presenting to congress about FSP’s.
- Medical Marijuana No updates
Annual Meeting: Jackie reminded the board that its time for our annual meeting, we should discuss in June.
Fundraising: Explore Lions Club for potential donations
Outreach: Family Learning Conference (FLC) - Should we donate a basket on behalf of PPDB again this year? Gordon suggested the EC board meet to discuss the theme. Molly made the motion Patti second
Could the executive board do a presentation and represent PPDB?
Shout-out assignments
May Shelley
June Juli
July Jackie
August Tammy
September Kristina
October Saneeka
November Patti
December Molly
Meeting adjourned at 8:39pm