Call to Order: Tammy Kitterman called the meeting to order at 8:01 PM.
Conflicts: No conflicts listed
Present: Molly Black, Sandra Salerno, Tammy Kitterman, Jessica Coffin, Juli Baumgarner, Gordon Boe, Lisa Lopatofsky
Excused: Meg Meyers, Johnine Bickauskas
Unexcused: Julia Murray, Dixie Stachnik,
Approval of January, 2023 Minutes
Motioned - Molly Black
Seconded – Jessica Coffin
All in favor, motion carried.
Approval of January, 2023 Treasurer’s Report
Motioned – Jessica Coffin
Seconded- Tammy Kitterman
All in favor.
*All committee action plans are saved in the shared drive
Membership (Tammy Kitterman, Patti McGowan, Sandra Salerno)
All action items are in the green.
Outreach (Patti McGowan, Molly Black, Sandra Salerno, Johnine Bickauskas, Dixie Stachnik)
a. Committee is working on regional social days. Molly & Patti are trying for the Pittsburgh Aviary for the West. ($15 pp, minimum of 15 for group)
b. Vote to purchase one table runner at $80 with new Logo for exhibiting purposes. All in favor, motion carries.
c. Molly will inquire about exhibiting at Dan Miller Disability Conference in May and summer Transition Conference in August.
Fundraising (Gordon Boe, Johnine Bickauskas, Lisa Lopatofsky, Julia Murray) The Amazon Smile Program ended on February 10th. Need to come up with other fundraising ideas.
Committee needs to pick a day/time to meet and complete Action Plan.
Advocacy (Lisa Lopatofsky, Meg Meyers, Johnnie Bickauskas Gordon Boe) Committee needs to pick a day/time to meet and complete Action Plan. Update “Day on the Hill”. Update: Medicaid has changed to include family caregiver to be included as paid caregiver.
OLD BUSINESS: 8:30-8:40
NEW BUSINESS: 8:20-8:45
Nominations Process - Meg Myers & Molly Black, Co-chairs
Sandra Salerno and Julia Murray, Committee members.
Call for Nominations posted 2/1. Members will be contacting you if your term is up to seek interest EC positions, as well as extending general membership terms.
All board members should be recruiting new members for the Board. Nomination applications and letters of support should be submitted to Meg or Molly and they will upload to the Drive. Committee will review nominations in March. Bring to full Board in April and vote in May.
Family Learning Conference
Checking on Magician Sam Sadler, trying to connect, not sure of cost yet.
Possibly Makayla’s Voice - inclusion program.
Camp HERO - Possibility of offering scholarships to cover the additional cost of camp ($225) over and above the application fee of $50.
Meeting Dates - Motion to change meeting dates to every other month (Jan, Mar, May, Jul, Sep, Nov). Molly motioned, Gordon Seconded, all were in favor. The exec committee will create an updated schedule.
Respectfully submitted,
Sandra Salerno