Minutes of September 13, 2021 Meeting
President Tammy Kitterman brought the meeting to order at 7 PM.
Present: Tammy Kitterman, Lisa Lopatofsky, Sandra Salerno, Gordon Boe, Patti McGowan, Juli Baumgarner, Julia Murray, Molly Black, Johnine Bickauskas
Excused Absence: Meghan Meyers
Guest: Rhonda Beach Tyree
There were no conflicts to the Agenda for the evening.
Treasurer’s Report: Gordon Boe
Tammy requested a motion be made to accept the May through July Treasurer’s Report. Motion made by Lisa L. and seconded by Patti M. Motion Approved.
Tammy requested that a motion be made to accept the August Treasurer’s Report. Motion was made by Molly B. and seconded by Lisa L. Motion Approved.
Tammy will follow-up with Julia to explain motions/voting.
The meeting was then turned over to Rhonda Tyree to continue with Strategic Planning. Work was conducted to come to consensus over Belief and Vision Statements and Organizational Long Term Goals.
Motion was made by Gordon to continue with one more meeting in November with Rhonda. This will be a follow-up to our Action Planning/writing exercise through Committee work. Motion was seconded by Lisa L. Motion Carried.
Meeting Adjourned 9 PM