September 2019 Board Meeting Minutes
Date: September 9, 7:30 PM
Topic: Monthly Board Meeting
Next Phone Call or Meeting: Monday, October 14, 2019, 7:30 PM
Call to Order: Kristina Kezmarsky, President, called the meeting to order at 7:33 PM
Present: Patti McGowan, Sandra Salerno, Kristina Kezmarsky, Lisa Lopatofsky, Tammy Kitterman, Gordon Boe, Tina Hertzog, Molly Black
Excused Absence: Juli Baumgarner ([email protected] – please note Juli’s correct email address)
To the Board: Does anyone have a conflict with any of the following agenda topics? None stated.
Motion made by Kristina and seconded by Gordon to accept the August Meeting Minutes, and unanimously passed.
Treasurer’s Report – Gordon – Amounts remain the same as reflected in August minutes. Upcoming expense includes reimbursing himself for the personal deposit he made to the FLC2019 Puppeteer. No one else has check signing privileges but he and Kristina will make arrangements to have her as a second signer and will do so this week. Gordon will be in touch with Kristina to finalize everything. Tammy was able to get into the online banking account and she and Gordon will confer and update with new passwords.
Action Plan/To Do: Add Kristina as a check signer
Lead: Gordon & Kristina
Timeline: Before next meeting
Action Plan/To Do
Task: Update online baking accoutn with new passwords
Lead: Gordon and Tammy
Timeline: Before next meeting
Action Plan/To Do:
Task: Budge discussion
Lead: Juli and Gordon
Timeline: ASAP
Questions/Notes: They will streamline and share at future meeting
Did not have a chance to meet yet.
Action Plan/To Do:
Task: Bank Refund on fees and transfer of check signage
Lead: Gordon
Timeline: ASAP
Questions/Notes: Worked with Sue Shaffer to complete transfer; update still needed on bank refund on fees
Partially completed
Action Plan/To Do:
Task Toolkit #3, almost complete, #2 is about fiance, #1 is about structure
Lead: Juli
Timeline: ASAP
Questions/Notes: Requesting members to view videos and come back with questions and discussions. At next meeting would like to wrap up Toolkit #3, relating to content, not necessarily actions. Review Toolkit #1- Board Structure and will send through with instructions.
Moved to next meeting
Action Plan/To Do:
Task October Shout Out
Lead: Tina
Timeline: October
Questions/Notes: Will work with Molly to also share from PPDB to the DB Listserv
Action Plan/To Do:
Task: Share NFADB Finance Committee Examples
Lead: Patti
Timeline: When available
Questions/Notes: Clarification – NFADB Finance Policy is not yet developed, but Patti will share when/if available.
NFADB is working on policy and guidelines.
Action Plan/To Do:
Task: If Mission Statement were to be updated, does it require reporting/changing 501(c)(3) paperwork?
Lead: Gordon
Questions/Notes: Gordon will check into this and report back.
Gordon Continuing to check on this
Action Plan/To Do:
Task: Brochure to reflect the following changes“Finance” will be removed and “Life Transitions” will be added.
Lead: Board member
Timeline: When appropriate
Questions/Notes: When committees are updated and all changes made.
- Fundraising Opportunity through The Healing Center – Kristina reported that the Healing Center has not gotten back to her, as she emailed Bob Veinovich and called twice. She will continue to try to reach The Healing Center and report to the Board when she hears back.
- Identify additional Affiliate Liaison(s) to NFADB. Tammy will continue to attend these meetings when available to do so. These are quarterly meetings and Kristina and possibly Lisa have indicated a willingness to attend when available to do so. Several Affiliates have more than one Liaison and this will give PPDB a better chance to always have someone available to attend and report back. A google survey is happening now to see what times and dates are best for most Liaisons to attend and Tammy will contact Edgenie Bellah Affiliate Committee Lead at NFADB to inform her of Kristina and possibly Lisa’s interest in order to share the link to complete the survey.
- Sharing the Shout Outs and other important items from PPDB to the DB Listserv (giving credit to PPDB and bringing awareness, using PPDB Logo and website) – Also having PPDB be the “sharer” of information from NFADB, again preferably on both lists. Discussion was held as to whether to share from the PPDB listserv to the DB listserv. All agreed this would be a great way to bring awareness of PPDB to the larger DB community and Molly will work with Tina to make that happens in October when the next Shout Out is due. Depending on convenience and timeliness as to whether a template will be created for use by all members when posting, or if it makes sense for Molly to forward as Secretary.
- PPDB should consider/discuss a “Sunshine Fund” with a policy in place. All agreed that this is a good idea and should happen. Discussion was held on how to fund this, with differing of opinions. When Gordon and Juli have a chance to discuss and streamline the budget, a couple of funding scenarios will be presented to the Board for a vote. This fund could be used to recognize and/or support board members in celebrations and/or sorrow of life events. Patti shared NFADB’s current Sunshine policy: $25 suggested donation by each board member (or larger amount if the member so desires) given annually (pick a month) and a set amount agreed for a gift/flowers/etc. given for each life event occurrence.
- Status of Jackie Brennan’s Board Gift - Gordon shared that individual Board members had donated toward Jackie’s gift and enough money was collected to cover the cost. Those donations had been deposited into the general account Gordon will provide an updated Treasurer’s report to note these donations. Purchase of the gift will occur and reported back to the Board.
- Molly & Patti agreed to bring information regarding the current committees and their goals to the full Board in a report for further discussion on their relevancy. We should be revisiting these goals to determine whether they are still appropriate and if the current Committees support these goals. A report is ready for Board discussion on current committees and an example of goals for Outreach/Social Committee is updated for reference and will be shared. This will be shared at a future meeting, after the Toolkits discussions are completed.
- Sandra suggested that we revisit our Board meeting times as the 7:30 PM time is difficult for members with small children. This will be placed on next month’s Agenda.
Gordon mentioned how appreciative he was to have the outpouring of love, concern and donations expressed by PPDB Board and membership. He and Mary thank everyone sincerely.
Shout Outs –
October – Tina
November – Sandra
December – Juli
January – Tammy
February – Kristina
March – Patti
April – Molly
May – Gordon
June – Lisa
July – Tina
Meeting adjourned at 8:25 PM
Respectfully submitted,
Molly Black, Secretary