Call to Order by Vice-President, Lisa Lopatofsky at 8:04 PM
Present: Gordon Boe, Lisa Lopatofsky, Johnine Bickauskas, Molly Black, Jessica Lynch, Dixie Stachnik
Excused: Tammy Kitterman, Sandra Salerno, Meghan Myers
Absent: Juli Baumgarner, Julia Murray
Lisa welcomed our two new Board Members, Dixie Stachnik and Jessica Lynch. Each introduced themselves to the group. WELCOME – so happy to have them join us!
Conflicts: There were no conflicts to the agenda voiced.
Approval of May Minutes
Motioned by Molly Black to accept the May minutes, seconded by Johnine Bickauskas. Motion passed.
Treasurer’s Report: Gordon Boe gave the Treasurer’s Report. He is questioning what the source of the deposit from PayPal is and requesting any detail that might be provided to add to the minutes of August meeting for further clarification. Johnine Bickauskas made motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report. Seconded by Jessica Lynch. Motion passed.
*All committee action plans are saved in the shared drive
- Membership (Tammy Kitterman, Patti McGowan, Sandra Salerno)
- Outreach (Patti McGowan, Molly Black, Sandra Salerno, Johnine Bickauskas)
- Patti and Molly exhibited on 5/26/22 at the Dan Miller Disability and Mental Health Summit, and indicated it was good to see so many people attending and sharing our information.
- PPDB is sponsoring Cole the Dog and Friends at FLC- Lisa-has payment ready and confirmed that there will be an interpreter at the request of the performer.
- Molly encouraged everyone to register for the Helen Keller Birthday Celebration sponsored by NFADB Affiliate, DBMAT on June 27th at 2:00 PM
- Patti and Molly exhibited on 5/26/22 at the Dan Miller Disability and Mental Health Summit, and indicated it was good to see so many people attending and sharing our information.
- Lisa created an Activity Survey. Molly asked how we want to distribute. Jessica suggested that we have some hard copies available at–FLC for those who like to complete that way, and Lisa volunteered to create a flyer that will have a QR Code for those who like to complete online. We can post to Listserv after FLC. Molly will ask PaTTAN to copy the questionnaire and flyer to have available in both formats for FLC.
- Fundraising (Gordon Boe, Johnine Bickauskas, Lisa Lopatofsky, Julia Murray)
- Advocacy (Lisa Lopatofsky, Meg Meyers, Johnine Bickauskas) Lisa reported that advocacy matters are on hold for the moment. The latest discussion is around 504 legislations. When the NFADB PIE Committee meets again she will report out to the group. Lisa created a Cogswell Macy Act Flyer/handout to be included in the parent folders at FLC, which is a great example of educating/lobbying on behalf of PPDB.
OLD BUSINESS: 8:30-8:40
- New Board Members - Onboarding of new members is complete.
NEW BUSINESS: 8:40-8:45
- Media News Release for members via social media. Molly and Sandra will work to draft a media announcement of our New Board Members.
There was nothing to add for the Good of the Order
Future Meeting Dates: Molly will send out zoom invites for the upcoming meeting dates.
July - No Board meeting/Possible Committee meeting
New Year Schedule Document is in Google Drive
August 8, 2022
September 12, 2022
October 10, 2022
November 14, 2022
December – No Board Meeting
January 9, 2023
February 13, 2023
March 13, 2023
April 10, 2023
May 8, 2023
Respectfully Submitted,
Molly Black
on behalf of Sandra Salerno, Board Secretary