Call to Order: 8:04 PM
Conflicts for the agenda: none stated
Present: Molly Black, Lisa Lopatofsky, Patti McGowan, Juli Baumgarner (special advisor), Sandra Salerno, Johnine Bickauskas
Excused absence: Gordon Boe,
Tammy Kitterman Approval of May 2021 Minutes: Molly Motioned to approve, Johnine seconded, all were in favor of approving.
Treasurer!s Report: Gordon Boe
Membership – Dennis family new membership
Outreach – Patti McGowan/Molly Black – updated PPT for outreach purposes, will be used for FLC What’s the Difference? Presentation
Fundraising – Gordon Boe and Johnine Bickauskas - no update
Nominations – Molly Black – We are pleased to welcome Julia Murray as a guest to our meetings until July when she will reach age 18 and can be officially voted on as a board member. A vote was taken to approve Meghan Myers to the board, all present were YES votes.
1.Onboarding - need to choose a date in July or August to onboard the new board members.
2.Website is down- Tammy is working on this.
3.Only one application was received for the FLC childcare stipend.
4. We agreed to offer $100 worth of gift cards (4 $25 gift cards) as a prize for trivia during the Family Learning Conference. All were in favor.
1. Facebook/IG/Twitter - no updates
2. Collaboration with John Reiman - We will table this until the fall.
3. FLC - Only 1 application was received for the FLC childcare stipend.
4. Strategic Planning - The steering committee is working and will update the full board at a later date.
GOOD OF THE ORDER: PPDB will be sending condolences to the family of Joe McNolty.