Call to Order: Tammy Kitterman 8:00
Conflicts: None given
Present: Tammy Kitterman, Sandra Salerno, Johnine Bickauskis, Lisa Lopatofsky, Patti McGowan, Meg Meyers, Gordon Boe, Julia Murray, special advisor Juli Baumgarner
Molly Black excused
Approval of June and September Minutes:
June - Patti motioned, Lisa seconded, all in favor
September - Patti motioned, Lisa seconded, all in favor
Treasurer’s Report: Gordon Boe
Lisa motioned to approve, Patti seconded, all in favor
*All committee action plans are saved to the Google Share drive*
Membership (Tammy Kitterman, Patti McGown, Sandra Salerno)
Tammy sent a “Talents and Inventory” google form for us to complete and send back to her. She will also share the form with all new PPDB general members.
Outreach (Patti McGowan, Molly Black, Sandra Salerno, Johnine Bickauskas, Lisa Lopatofsky)
Fundraising (Johnine Bickauskas, Lisa Lopatofsky, Julia Murray) OLD BUSINESS: 8:20-8:30
- Collaboration with John Reiman - per Molly’s email of 9/24/21, John Reiman has not shown any further interest in providing a webinar and this discussion should be removed from the agenda and tabled until he reaches out to us again.
- I/G, Facebook, Twitter - Tammy is waiting for the facebook page to be approved as 501c3 status and then she can link to Instagram and Twitter account.
- Strategic Planning Update - A meeting with Rhonda is scheduled for 10/28/21, this is the last meeting with Rhonda.
- Combining of the Membership and Outreach Committees (Tammy Kitterman) The board agreed to wait until the completion of the strategic plan to make a decision on the combination of the membership and outreach committees.
- Compensation of Rhonda Tyree (Lisa Lopatofsky) Lisa agreed to calculate the hours spent vs. contract to see how large the variation is, and will send an email out to the board to decide if additional compensation is required.
- Use of Google Drive (Lisa Lopatofsky) Lisa encouraged all board members to utilize the PPDB email accounts for board business.
- Talents & Inventory sheet (Tammy Kitterman) - see update above in Committee updates
- Patti motioned to approve $75 for printing and postage for holiday cards to be sent to current PPDB families. Lisa seconded the motion and all were in favor. Tammy will collect pictures for a PPDB collage which will be used to make the holiday greeting cards and will be delivered electronically and via mail. * Pictures may be emailed to [email protected]*
GOOD OF THE ORDER: 8:55-9:00
- Majority of the Board e-voted to change the Organization’s Mission, Vision, Core Beliefs, and Long Term Goals, as well the addition of an Advocacy Committee. Committee will be added to the next full Board meeting’s agenda for update.
- Per Molly’s email of 9/24/21, the Nomination Committee is a standing committee and therefore does not require an action plan. Also, there will not be any reports until January when a new Chair will be appointed.