Call to Order: Tammy Kitterman called the meeting to order at 8:03 pm.
Conflicts: No conflicts to the agenda were expressed.
Present: Juli Baumgarner, Molly Black, Tammy Kitterman Lisa Lopatofsky, Jessica Lynch, Julia Murray, Sandra Salerno, Dixie Stachnik
Excused: Johnine Bickauskas, Gordon Boe
Absent: Meghan Meyers
Approval of June Minutes
Motioned - Lisa Lopatofsky
Second - Julia Murray
All approved, the motion passed unanimously.
Treasurer’s Report:
PPDB Treasurer's Report - June and July 2022
Balance 6/1/22
Life Membership
Josephine Udo-Utum
Annual Membership
Eisner Family
Check #1095
Cole the Deaf Dog
FLC Expenses
Balance 6/30/22
Total Received
Total Expended
Net Total
Balance 6/30/22
Proceeds from FLC
FLC Income
Balance 7/31/22
Total Received in July
Total Expended in July
Net Total
Motioned - Molly Black
Second- Jessica Lynch
All in favor of approving the treasurer’s report.
*All committee action plans are saved in the shared drive
- Membership (Tammy Kitterman, Patti McGowan, Sandra Salerno)
- PPDB had hosted a table at the DeafBlind Family Learning Conference for potential members to learn more about the organization and receive swag items. It was well received!
- The “Cole the Dog” event hosted by PPDB was well received and enjoyed by all attending the DeafBlind Family Learning Conference. The board has proposed to utilize this entertainment for future events as well.
- PPDB had hosted a table at the DeafBlind Family Learning Conference for potential members to learn more about the organization and receive swag items. It was well received!
- Outreach (Patti McGowan, Molly Black, Sandra Salerno, Johnine Bickauskas)
- Lisa Lopatofsky reviewed the activities survey results. Six individuals filled out the form, and they were all members of the PPDB Board. The suggestions have been input into the regional gathering ideas spreadsheet.
- Lisa Lopatofsky reviewed the activities survey results. Six individuals filled out the form, and they were all members of the PPDB Board. The suggestions have been input into the regional gathering ideas spreadsheet.
- Outreach Committee Meeting Report - Molly reported that the team met in July to discuss in person meet ups by region for the fall. All regional leaders must submit an email to Molly with the decision for their regional fall event prior to the September meeting. The team agreed that PPDB will cover admittance for one adult and the child who experiences DeafBlindness for the activity. All other family members may participate, but pay an entrance fee.
- A regional social gatherings ideas spreadsheet is located on the shared drive for all to input ideas.
- Molly motioned to allow a line item budget of $300 with a maximum of $500 (any event totaling above $300 sent to board for evote approval) for regional gatherings. The amount listed is per region (Centra/West/East). Lisa seconded the motion. All present were in favor, and the motion passed.
- Fundraising (Gordon Boe, Johnine Bickauskas, Lisa Lopatofsky, Julia Murray)
- Lisa shared that the FLC fundraiser netted $310 for the organization. It was well planned and implemented by the fundraising committee. For future fundraising activities, more of the board will need to be involved to help with the logistics.
- Lisa shared that the FLC fundraiser netted $310 for the organization. It was well planned and implemented by the fundraising committee. For future fundraising activities, more of the board will need to be involved to help with the logistics.
- FATE, Phase II - Lisa shared that any NFADB member may apply to participate in the second phase of FATE training. The training will prepare the parent to become an active advocate, and eventually share their child’s story during a day on the hill event in March. The meetings will be 6 weeks long, each Thursday evening from 6-8PM from September 8 - October 13th. Any PPDB member interested in participating will have their fee to join NFADB covered by the organization. Please contact Lisa Lopatofsky for further information.
- Juli Baumgarner, Hunter McGowan, and Tina Herzog were contacted by Maurice Belotte to assist in contacting Senator Robert P. Casey, Jr. A letter was submitted (08/03/2022) via the Senator’s communication center to Senator Robert P. Casey, Jr. to request a funding increase for state deafblind projects and the national deafblind center. Also requested was a higher proportion of Technical Assistance and Dissemination funding for the state and national projects. Maurice provides a template of the letter. It is noted that Senator Casey had previously shown support by writing a letter to the acting Assistant Secretary for OSERS at the U.S. Department of Education, regarding the need for additional teachers of students who are deafblind and interveners. Juli will follow up with an additional short (online) note to Sen. Casey, as well as Sen. Toomey.
OLD BUSINESS: 8:30-8:40
The NFADB 2021 Professional Steve Perrault Award was presented to Kathy McNulty and Faye Manaster at its Annual July General Board Meeting. Pennsylvania pride is felt as Jackie Brennan, former Board Member, and Juli Baumgarner, Special Advisor, were also nominated for this prestigious award. Both Jackie and Juli reached out to members of PPDB to express their gratitude for the nomination and honor to be considered.
NEW BUSINESS: 8:40-8:45
- Tammy K. shared her gratitude for the PPDB members who attended the annual NFADB board meeting in July.
- Tammy K. requested that anyone having difficulty logging in to the shared drive contact her and Lisa L. for assistance.
GOOD OF THE ORDER: 8:45 None shared
Respectfully Submitted,
Sandra Schiffli-Salerno
PPDB Secretary