Members present:
Kristina Kezmarsky, President
Tammy Kitterman, Vice-President
Saneeka Macon, Secretary
Shelley Lill, Treasurer
Molly Black, Board member
Gabe Radzik, Board member
Gordon Boe, Board member
Patti McGowan, Board member
Jackie Brennan, Professional member
Juli Baumgarner, Professional member
Member excused:
Molly Black, Board member
Member absent:
Gabe Radzik, Board member
Approval of the October 9, 2017, PPDB full board meeting minutes.
Tammy made the motion, Patti second the motion, and motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report:
We’ve been charged bank fees for receiving paper statements. Shelley is going to call the bank about a reimbursement.
Old Business:
Updates from Medical Marijuana Groups to donate to PPDB:
No word, but Bob’s group broke ground on 2 locations that will be opened in 2018. Once they are open we hope to hear something about funding.
Brochures: Rebecca Fogle, Director of the East Office of PaTTAN printed 250 copies of our brochure free of charge. Juli did research on printing brochures and received fairly good prices.
Molly would like to exhibit again at Dan Miller’s Disability Conference (if approved by the board). Juli made the motion, Jackie second the motion, and motion carried.
New Business:
PA Cannabis Health and Wellness Fair (October 20, 2017)
Kristina is going through the process of applying and documenting the steps. She will scan the info from the fair and distribute to the board. There’s also a ton of information on Pennsylvania’s safe harbor site
Membership special
Gordon suggested offering a pay for 1yr and get the 2nd year free deal. Notifications will be sent to the DB listserv. Kristina and Saneeka will send copies to the schools for the blind in Philadelphia and Pittsburgh. We’ll also add it to Facebook and Twitter.
Saneeka suggested we find a way to allow external sources to donate money to PPDB. Kristina will follow up with a friend from PNC bank about linking our bank account to receive funds from other sources (e.g. United Way). Saneeka will try to get information over to Kristina about what’s need to secure payments. We’re hoping it’s a simple process.
We’re going to try the free conference system for the next Full board meeting.
Gordon volunteered to vet and review the websites from the request Saneeka receives from various people to add links to our resource page.
Patti and Juli will review the Hopscotching Your Way Through Transition guide and make some quick updates. The guide is being reviewed at a national or international level. Once it’s updated Saneeka can make links etc. in the guide interactive.
Patti asked about adding an option to our website that will allow for donations. Saneeka will research adding a donate button on the website.
Meeting adjourned at 8:51pm