Minutes of the November 9, 2020 Meeting
Call to Order – Tammy 8:00 PM
Present: Molly Black, Tammy Kitterman, Patti McGowan, Lisa Lopatofsky, Johnine Bickauskas, Sandra Salerno
Excused Absence: Gordon Boe, Juli Baumgarner
Approval of October Minutes – Motion to approve Lisa, Seconded by Patti, all in favor
Treasurer’s report - Gordon Sent treasurer’s report by email. Molly explained that our Logo Graphic Artist, Brandon O’Neill, never received the check written to pay his invoice. She used Venmo to pay him, and Gordon reimbursed Molly. The check is still missing in the mail, and Brandon agreed to destroy it if ever received. It was agreed not to stop payment because of a $30.00 bank service charge since it will be void in 90 days.
Motion to approve the Treasuer’s report was made by Patti, Lisa seconded, all in favor
Committee Updates (If any)
Fundraising – Gordon, Johnine - No new update but we need to add Fundraising as a January agenda topic with Juli
Membership – Patti & Tammy - December 1st do a blast to update what we have done - put on Facebook and ListServ
Outreach – Molly & Patti – Brochure/update; Podcast – The Healing Center
Last version of brochure - Molly sent updated Logo and brochure pictures and Barb Gilligan at PaTTAN will be working to get final version to us soon. Hoping to have it completed to include in large mailing being done by the Project.
Podcast - Patti, Molly, and Tammy did a podcast for the Healing Center -
They referred to PPDB as a partnership which was very reassuring to our group. We will invite The Healing Center staff to join us when we are able to socially gather again.
Nomination – Molly - she wants us to grow the board (perhaps up to 11 members?) Please be considering what members we should be recruiting when nomination season begins again in February.
New Business:
- Toolkit 2 - Further discussion will take place in January, if necessary. We were all reminded to watch Toolkit #2 video, linked here:
Old Business:
A. Strategic Planning – Juli has a meeting planned on 2 pm on November 13 with NFADB, Lisa plans to attend. If interested in joining the meeting, please contact Juli.
B. Holiday Mailing – Lisa & Johnine – Lisa will re- send she did not receive the colored picture in the mail.
C. Instagram/Twitter – Sandra - Tammy is available for next two weeks to get in touch to begin setting these up for our organization.
Good of the Order: No additional comments.
Adjournment: 8:21 PM