Kristina Kezmarsky
Jackie Brennan
Juli Baumgarner
Tammy Kitterman
Patti McGowan
Molly Black
Shelley Lill
Saneeka Macon
Gordon Boe
Gabe Radzik
President, Kristina Kezmarsky, called the meeting to order at 7:36 PM
August Meeting Notes were unavailable to review, but will be made available at next scheduled meeting to be approved along with the notes of this evening.
Happy Anniversary to us – we have now been in existence for 10 years! A special thank you to Gordon Boe for spearheading our 501©(3) status and pushing us into being.
Congratulations to Patti McGowan as the new President of NFADB. She reminded all that PPDB was the first Affiliate, and Tammy is our Liaison. NFADB is up to 11 parent family groups across the nation as Affiliates.
Treasurer’s Report –
No deposits and no deductions, since last meeting so our balance remains $1931.49. There is a $10 check that needs to be deposited and Shelley will forward that to Kristina for deposit. There needs to be follow-up asap to verify whether we can use the donation button on our web page. Shelley, Kristina and Tammy will follow-up with Saneeka to verify the use of PayPal account or any credit card since our Membership Drive is on the horizon.
Outreach Committee will send out another reminder of the 10 for 10 fundraiser.
WPSBC will be approached by Kristina to choose a date for bowling or swimming day.
Tammy shared the Trampoline Park in Bridgeville, PA, is available for use by children with special needs on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month, 6-8 PM, $20.00 plus a free family member or support person. Tammy will ask about a group discount. She suggested December 4th. Tammy will create a Flyer and we will ask WPSD and WPSBC to send home with their students with deaf-blindness.
Overbrook will also schedule a date for bowling or swimming. Jackie will check on a date in January.
Membership - Patti & Tammy - January 1 – December 31. Solicitation will take place to Lifetime Members to encourage them to donate $10 for 10. Membership Annual Drive will begin in December. Promotion this year is a suggested 10% Discount to go along with the 10 for 10 theme.
Motion made by Kristina Kezmarsky to promote the 10% Discount for Lifetime membership and seconded by Tammy Kitterman. Motion Passed.
Kristina shared an opportunity on the emailed Agenda to attend “The Essentials of Special Needs Planning” and will share it on the listserv as well.
Kristina will check with Gabe to see if he wishes to continue as a member of the Board of Directors, due to recent absences.
A review of the Annual General Meeting requirements and whether nominations for additional Board members is warranted will be placed on next meeting’s Agenda.
Shout Outs:
October – Saneeka
November – Patti
December – Molly
Meeting Adjourned at 8:30ish
Respectfully submitted,
Molly Black, volunteer note taker