Date: May 13, 2019, 7:30 PM
Participants: Tammy Kitterman, Juli Baumgarner, Patti McGowan, Sandra Salerno, Lisa Lopatofsky, Gordon Boe
Excused Absences: Kristina Kezmarsky, President, Tina Hertzog, Shelley Lill
Topic: Monthly Board Meeting
Next Phone Call or Meeting: June 10, 2019, 7:30 PM
Discussion Notes:
Call to Order: Tammy Kitterman, Vice-President called the meeting to order at 7:30 PM
To the Board: Tammy asked if anyone has a conflict with any of the following agenda topics. No one did.
Patti made a Motion for the approval of the April minutes and Gordon seconded that motion. Motion passed.
Treasurer’s Report – Gordon reported the following:
10.00 – donation
Tammy asked if Gordon had a chance to talk to Shelley Lill about getting banking fees refunded back from PNC (a service charge). Gordon will investigate this refund and report back.
Juli brought up discussion around creating budget and do we want to set aside an amount not to exceed a certain amount for specific matters. Gordon will work with Juli and at next meeting they will have thoughts to discuss in this regard.
Outreach Committee – Patti & Molly - On April 16th Patti and Molly presented at the Deaf-Blind Task Force Meeting and shared PPDB information. Amy Letari, Psychologist from Children’s Hospital presented on CI. Dr. Kim Mathos of HealthBridges requested our participation. PPDB Brochures were shared.
Lisa Lopatofsky also shared our brochures at Geisinger, in Danville, at an H & V table/event.
Tammy will update the Brochure and share for outreach purposes when completed.
Current Committees: It was discussed to review the current Committees and review the goals listed on our website as our guiding light to determine what each committee (and work groups) will do. Are our Committees supporting these goals? Will we have a mission/purpose statement for each? Perhaps reach out to our general membership to seek how to meet their needs, but keep our eyes on these goals:
- Establish & maintain a network to identify & help connect families with similar needs.
- Develop & disseminate accurate, timely information & share resources.
- Collaborate with other organizations & groups to ensure that the needs & concerns of persons who are deafblind are addressed.
- Educate policymakers on issues involving the deafblind.
Current Committees:
Fundraising -
- Solicit contributions and other activities
- To support membership and advocacy.
- Recruit new members and retain
- Current ones.
- Disseminate information to
- membership on issues related to
- deafblindness, training opportunities,
- and topics of interest to PPDB
- Plan and implement social events and
- Activities for PPDB and its members.
- If you are interested in joining in these
Action Plan/To Do:
Complete Updated Conflict of Interest Forms
May 13th Meeting
All Board Members submit upon receipt. Leave no lines blank
One form outstanding.
Set up a Google Suite Account
May 13th meeting
If 501(c) (3) status is verified.
Completed. Tammy emailed all with password.
PPDB Roster
All Board Members
May 13th
Forward your own Roster Info to Molly according to when you joined the Board as general member and Officer.
Still working on updating this. When completed will be dropped into Google Suite.
Toolkit #3
Future Meeting.
See discussion notes above with regard to budgets.
Finalize #3 and possibly begin Toolkit #1
We will wait until whole board is together to complete this.
Current Committee Makeup
Future Meeting.
See Discussion Notes.
Full Board Discussion at future meeting.
May Shout Out
By 5/30
New Business:
Formal Discussion and Vote regarding purchasing individual gifts and specifically for Jackie Brennan, former Board Member.
No formal vote had previously taken place regarding a gift for Jackie. Tammy indicated a worry about setting a precedent in giving a past Board members a gift. Juli felt this is why we need a policy moving forward. Patti suggested a sunshine fund account and not have gifts come from the treasury. Gordon suggests we have a recognition fund with monies that do come from our treasury.
Vote was taken as to whether a gift for Jackie should come from general budget. Vote did not pass to use treasury dollars for this gift. Gordon will accept donations toward a gift to Jackie, and any amount over the cost of the gift will be donated to PPDB. If you wish to donate toward a gift for Jackie, please forward to Gordon Boe at 1700 Gwynedd View Road, North Wales, PA 19454.
FLC Gift Card Basket – It was agreed that we would raffle off a Gift Card Basket at FLC. Lisa volunteered to compile the basket. Please mail your contribution(s) to Lisa Lopatofsky at 306 Elk Lake Drive, Waymart, PA 18472.
Discussion was held regarding co-sponsorship of Entertainment for FLC2019 and possible donation secured by Gordon to financially contribute. Gordon is soliciting $250 on behalf of this effort, and any amount over $150 will be added to the treasury.In the event that Gordon is unable to secure a donation for this co-sponsorship, Patti made a motion to use $150 of our current budget to co-sponsor the puppeteer for FLC, Gordon seconded it.Motion passed.
Discussion was tabled on the following, as the meeting ran too long. This will be added to next month’s Agenda: Whole Board discussion regarding whether we need to update our Mission Statement: do we support deafblind individuals or Families of Individuals with deafblindness?
When NFADB promotes the State Affiliates this is clearly defined:
Promote a strong national Affiliate Network (any association or group organized and led by families with individuals who are deaf-blind is eligible)
Partner with the Affiliate Network to improve opportunities and services for families
May: Kristina
June: Patti
July: Molly
August: Gordon
September: Lisa
October: Tina
November: Shelley
December: Sandra
January: Juli
February: Tammy
March: Kristina
Meeting Adjourned at 9:00 PM
Respectfully submitted,
Molly Black, Secretary