Date: June 10, 2019, 7:30 PM
Topic: Monthly Board Meeting
Next Phone Call or Meeting: August 12, 2019, 7:30 PM
Present: Kristina Kezmarsky, Patti McGowan, Tina Hertzog, Lisa Lopatofsky, Molly Black,
Excused Absences: Tammy Kitterman, Gordon Boe
Absent: Juli Baumgarner and Sandra Salerno
Call to Order: Kristina Kezmarsky, President, brought the meeting to order at 7:34 PM
There were no conflicts stated with any of the following agenda topics from the Board members present.
Motion for the approval of the May 13th, 2019 meeting minutes was made by Patti McGowan and seconded by Kristina Kezmarsky, motion passed.
Treasurer’s Report – Gordon - Excused Absence, will submit Treasurer’s Report in August
Outreach Committee – Patti & Molly – Family Learning Conference Update – 29 Families are registered with eight new families coming. Many Exhibitors and Panelist will attend to support the content piece. PA Family Network will present “Charting the LifeCourse” a tool for planning a good life through integrated supports.
Budget Discussion
Juli & Gordon: Continued to next meeting.
Bank refund on fees and transfer of check signage: Gordon: ASAP
Bank offices are in contact with each other and Gordon will update upon return from vacation. Update to be shared at next meeting.
Update Brochure: Tammy: To be dropped into the Google Suite: Completed
Toolkit #3: Juli: April 8th: Determine at which Future Board meeting to complete.
Finalize #3 and possibly begin Toolkit #1
May Shout Out: Kristina: 5/30: Completed
June Shout Out: Patti: 6/30: Completed
July Shout Out: Molly: 7/31
Share NFADB Finance Committee Examples: Patti: When Available:
Clarification – NFADB Finance Policy is not yet developed, but Patti will share when/if available. NFADB is still working on policy and guidelines.
Old Business:
- Reminder was given to send a gift card donation to Lisa Lopatofsky at 306 Elk Lake Drive, Waymart, PA 18472 – who will put together this basket for raffle at FLC2019. – Kristina will bring tickets for gift card basket and magnets for sale. Patti & Tammy have submitted their gift cards already. So far we have 2 Starbucks, Dick’s and Subway.
- Deposit was made for the Entertainment for Saturday evening FLC2019 – Gordon has provided a personal check until checking account matter is resolved. Thanks to Gordon for this gesture. Noted that Shelley & Gordon attempted to have signature switch made on Saturday, June 1st. Gordon will report back regarding the status of the checking account.
- Discussion was held around the need to review our current Mission Statement. This was added as an action for an upcoming meeting.
- Relationships with family and friends
- Healthcare
- Education
- Employment
- Insurance
- Service providers
- Life transitions
Purpose, as listed in the Bylaws: PPDB is organized exclusively for charitable and educational purposes, and more specifically to provide a statewide voice for the promotion of the economic, educational, employment, social equality and just rights and privileges as individuals who are deafblind and their families.
Possible additional discussion –
- Do we support deafblind individuals or families of individuals with deafblindness?
Promote a strong national Affiliate Network (any association or group organized and led by families with individuals who are deaf-blind is eligible)
Partner with the Affiliate Network to improve opportunities and services for families.
- Accepted the resignation of Shelley Lill, as General Board Member. Resignation accepted. All board members should be recruiting new board members. A question came up as to the makeup of the Board. Molly referred to the Bylaws and it does not state that there needs to be 51% family members. It does state that the Board shall consist of at least 7 members. The Board shall be the Officers of the Partnership and at least 3 non-Officer members. New Directors shall be periodically elected by the majority of those members in attendance at a meeting.
- Molly & Patti agreed to bring information regarding the current goals to the Full Board in a report for further discussion on their relevancy. Once the Mission is agreed to and voted on, we should be revisiting these goals to determine whether they are still appropriate, and if the current Committees support these goals.
Shout Outs –
July – Molly
August – Gordon
September – Lisa
October – Tina
November – Sandra
December Juli
February – Tammy
March – Kristina
April – Patti
Meeting Adjourned – at 8:33 PM
Respectfully submitted,
Molly Black, Secretary