Call to Order: 8:05 PM
Present: Gordon Boe, Lisa Lopatofsky, Johnine Bickauskas, Molly Black, Patti McGowan, Sandra Salerno, Tammy Kitterman, Special advisor - Juli Baumgarner
Approval of March 2021 Minutes: Gordon Motioned, Lisa seconded, all in favor, motion passes.
Treasurer’s Report: Gordon Boe
Molly motioned to approve the treasurer’s report, Johnine seconded, all in favor, motion passes.
Membership – Tammy Kitterman reported 2 new lifetime members for the month of March!
Outreach – Patti McGowan/Molly Black –
a. DB Project Family Needs Assessment has been extended to April 15th.
b. FLC Session – “What’s the Difference”? Looking for a PPDB Presenter - Johnine, Lisa, and Sandra agreed to present.
Fundraising – Gordon Boe and Johnine Bickauskas - no update
Nominations – Molly Black – Invited Julia Murray to join our Board Meetings in anticipation of July e-vote. As we may recall, Julia has expressed interest in joining our board but we must hold on this until she is 18 years of age in July 2021. We anticipate two letters of recommendation from Ms. Murray. Additionally, Sandra Salerno invited Meghan Myers to apply to join the board, we are anticipating her application and letters of recommendation.
- Collaboration with John Reiman - Molly & Juli met with John and he expressed interest in providing a “Caregiver Self-Compassion” workshop to our PPDB members and community. The board resoundingly approves this idea and Molly will investigate the costs further.
- Special advisor Juli Baumgarner has suggested we take notes and highlight the FLC conference - this could be done through the project or in conjunction with PPDB.
- Discussion of verbiage of “DeafBlindness” - we agreed among PPDB our preferred verbiage is “DeafBlind” with no hyphens.
- The board discussed at length the possibility of providing a small grant or stipend to offer PPDB member families to offset some of the cost of childcare during the Family Learning Conference late June.
1. Facebook/IG/Twitter - Tammy and Sandra - no updates
2. Strategic Planning – Looking for a facilitator.
Good of the order: No updates
ADJOURNED: 9:40 pm