Call to Order: Gordon Boe, Treasurer 8:01 pm
Conflicts: none listed
Present: Molly Black, Sandra Salerno, Gordon Boe, Johnine Bickauskas, Julia Murray, Dixie Stachnik, Meg Meyers, Lisa Lopatofsky
Excused: Tammy Kitterman, Juli Baumgarner, Jessica Coffin
Approval of November, 2022 Minutes
Motioned - Molly
Seconded – Meg
All in favor, the minutes were approved.
Approval of November, 2022 and December, 2022 Treasurer’s Report
Motioned – Johnine
Seconded- Dixie
All in favor.
*All committee action plans are saved in the shared drive
Membership (Tammy Kitterman, Patti McGowan, Sandra Salerno)
Shared list of accomplishments in 2022.
1. Annual Drive Completed
Updated Action Plan/Goals for 2023 - no report given.
Outreach (Patti McGowan, Molly Black, Sandra Salerno, Johnine Bickauskas)
Shared list of accomplishments in 2022.
Informational slides provided to PEAL for Health Conference, Northeast PA, March 2022
2. Updated and Printed 500 copies of PPDB Brochure for Exhibitor/Handout
3. Social Media Flyer produced
4. Family Learning Conference - PPDB Sponsored “Cole and Friends”
5. Quarterly posts to Listserv requesting members post training/social activities.
6. Committee offered three fall social opportunities in each region
7. Annual Holiday Greeting Card mailed to membership.
Added Action Plan/Goals for 2023:
Social Media Campaign: Meet the Board - Post Bio on the 15th of month and a Fun Fact about PPDB on the 30th day of the month.
Plan a Spring Social event.
Committee Updates - met on 11/21/21
Update Exhibitor materials - what we have should be enough for year 2023; new logo needs added to items when repurchased; and getting bids for tablerunners for exhibitor tables.
Discussion to reinstate shoutouts - Outreach Committee is not recommending, only putting idea out to the whole Board because it would require everyone’s participation.
Continuing discussions will be held on how to meet the needs of our membership - ideas include: book purchases, sibling/college stipends, lifetime memberships, conference supports.
Fundraising (Gordon Boe, Johnine Bickauskas, Lisa Lopatofsky, Julia Murray)
Share List of accomplishments in 2022 -
Completed Fundraiser at FLC2022 led by Johnine B.
Share Updated Action Plan/Goals for 2023 - no report given.
Advocacy (Lisa Lopatofsky, Meg Meyers, Johnnie Bickauskas)
Share List of accomplishments in 2022
Gordon, Abby Denis and Molly completed FATE training and have moved on to FACE group of NFADB and will participate in “Day on the Hill” this spring.
Share Updated Action Plan/Goals for 2023 - no report given.
OLD BUSINESS: 8:30-8:40
Holiday cards- Thank you to Jessica Coffin for working so hard on the holiday cards!
NEW BUSINESS: 8:40-8:45
1. Appointed Meg Meyers and Molly Black as Co-Chairs of Nominations Committee - Julia Murray and Sandra Salerno will be members of the committee as well.
Nominations will be sought for:
Special Advisor - 1 yr. term
Balance of President term (Tammy is moving out of state)
2. Request a Board volunteer to maintain the website and ask Tammy to mentor. *We are still in need of a volunteer to maintain the website.*
3. Gordon to follow up with Tammy to see if she sent a welcome letter to new member Melinda Tobin.
4. Outreach committee to schedule meeting.
We wish everyone a happy new year and a prosperous 2023!
ADJOURNED: 8:45 Gordon
Respectfully submitted,
Sandra Salerno