Date: April 8, 2019
Participants: Kristina Kezmarsky, Juli Baumgarner, Molly Black, Lisa Lopotofsky, Sandra Salerno, Patti McGowan, Shelley Lill, Gordon Boe
Excused Absences: Tammy Kitterman
Topic: Monthly Board Meeting
Next Phone Call or Meeting: May 13, 2019, 7:30 PM
Discussion Notes:
Call to Order: Kristina Kezmarsky, President called the meeting to order at 7:33 PM.
To the Board: Does anyone have a conflict with any of the following agenda topics? No conflicts reported
Motion for the approval of the March 11, 2019 meeting minutes – Gordon moved to approve the Minutes, and Juli seconded the Motion, Motion carried.
Treasurer’s report: Gordon
Starting balance: $2,022.06
Receipts: $15.00 (I assume this was for a membership)
Expenses: $10.55 (To Shelley Lill for postage--mailing treasurer's package to Gordon)
Ending balance: $2,026.51
Current News:
Conflict Policy Statement– discussed and approved a specific policy. – Gordon opened the discussion by referring to NFADB’s template and comparing that form to our original version. Gordon suggested that with the following insertion we would be in compliance:
I have received a copy of PPDB’s conflicts of interest policy. I have read and understand the policy. I agree to comply with the policy. I understand the Organization is charitable and in order to maintain its federal tax exemption it must engage primarily in activities, which accomplish one or more of its tax-exempt purposes.
Gordon moved that we accept the modified Conflict of Interest Form, which will become policy and submit to Secretary each year, which was seconded by Kristina Kezmarsky, unanimously carried. Timeline for submitting Conflict of Interest Form is March of each year, or 30 days after annual meeting. Gordon will forward the new Conflict of Interest form for completion by each member.
Officer Terms, regarding staggering of terms - Gordon led discussion and provided draft of new policy, which includes the following:
The Articles do not specify whether all officers and Directors will be elected at the same time, or whether they will serve staggered terms. In order to establish uniform election procedures for Board members and officers, and to prevent the possibility of a 100% turnover in officers and Directors in any one year, the Board of Directors has developed the following election policy:
- Beginning in 2020, the President and Secretary will be elected for a two-year term.Thereafter, these two officers will be elected in even-numbered years.
- Beginning in 2021, the Vice President and Treasurer will be elected for a two-year term.Thereafter, these two officers will be elected in odd-numbered years.
- For the purposes of term limits, the Board will consider 2019 a transition year for the President and Secretary. Their first full term will begin in 2020.
- In 2020, the majority of non-officer Directors shall be randomly selected for re-election to a two-year term, with the remaining Directors up for re-election in 2021. For the purposes of term limits, the Board will consider 2019 a transition year for Board members.
Kristina made the motion to adopt the above election policy and Juli seconded the Motion, Motion carried unanimously.
In order to preserve the history of PPDB, as well as to secure tracking of elections, Molly requested that each Board member complete and return information on their own history with the Board. Please indicate when you were elected to the Board and when you accepted any particular Office. Complete before next meeting and return to Molly for reporting.
Discussion on formation of new or continuation of current Committees was tabled until next month’s meeting. Molly & Patti will provide information regarding current committees to the Board prior to May’s meeting
Google Suite Drive and/or current Google Drive Account - Tammy has not received an update yet and will report back next month.
Outreach Report – Dan Miller Disability Expo – Patti & Molly manned table and it was well received and good information shared. Rich McGann was in attendance and stopped by the table. On April 16th Patti and Molly will speak at the Deaf-Blind Task Force Meeting and will share PPDB information. Amy Letari, Psychologist from Children’s Hospital will be presenting on CI.
Family Learning Conference – Sandra asked about a presence at FLC. PPDB will exhibit and Kristina will man the table at this year’s conference. Discussion was held on how to have a larger presence at FLC and perhaps sponsor some social aspect at FLC. Possible future discussion to be held around outreach and collaboration with PaTTAN and support recruitment.
Gift for Jackie – Patti provided purchasing information and Molly will work with Gordon, Treasurer, to arrange the purchase of the gift as discussed for Jackie Brennan for her years of service on the Board. A suggestion was made to consider a Sunshine Fund in the future for all areas of circumstances that may arise.
Letter of Support for HKNC increased funding – All members agreed that Kristina, as President should forward letters on behalf of PPDB Board, and individual letter are encouraged to be sent as well before April 12.
Action Plan/To Do: Complete Updated Conflict of Interest Forms
Lead: Gordon
Timeline: May 13th Meeting
All Board Members submit upon receipt. Leave no lines blank
Action Plan/To Do: Set up a Google Suite Account
Lead: Tammy
Timeline: May 13th meeting
If 501(c) (3) status is verified.
Action Plan/To Do: PPDB Roster
Lead: Molly
Timeline: May 13th
Forward your own Roster Info to Molly according to when you joined the Board as general member and Officer.
Action Plan/To Do: Toolkit #3
Lead: Juli
Timeline: April 8th
Head up Review for New Members.
Action Plan/To Do: Current Committee Makeup
Lead: Molly/Patti
Timeline: May 13th
Proposed Committees
Action Plan/To Do: Share NFADB Finance Committee Examples
Lead: Patti
Timeline: When Available
Clarification – NFADB Finance Policy is not yet developed, but Patti will share when/if available.
April: Tammy
May: Kristina
June: Patti
July: Molly
August: Gordon
September: Lisa
October: Tina
November: Shelley
December: Sandra
January: Juli
February: Tammy
March: Kristina
Adjourned at 8:48 PM
Respectfully submitted,
Molly Black, Secretary