Call to Order: Tammy Kitterman, President, brought the meeting to order at 8:01
Conflicts: There were no conflicts to the agenda indicated by the Board members in attendance.
Present: Tammy Kitterman, Lisa Lopatofsky, Johnine Bickauskas, Patti McGowan, Gordon Boe, Juli Baumgarner, Julia Murray, Molly Black
Excused: Sandra Salerno and Meghan Myers
Approval of March Minutes:
Motion to approve made by Gordon Boe
Seconded by Lisa Lopatofsky
All approved – Motion passed
Treasurer’s Report: Gordon Boe
Tammy requested that Gordon send a 1099 Form to Rhonda Tyree for her strategic planning work. Gordon questioned whether it is necessary for amounts under $600. Tammy will investigate, but we may want to send regardless.
Since the March report, received a donation of $392.00 from Hearing Loss Association’s Walk for Hearing – thank you to Lisa Lopatofsky for participating and naming PPDB as a recipient of these efforts!
Gordon asked how to manage the payment to “Cole and Friends” as he received the invoice. Tammy made a motion to postdate a check for the invoice and sent to Lisa Lopatofsky to hold and give to the Presenter at Family Learning Conference on behalf of PPDB. Gordon seconded that motion and all approved. Motion passed.
Motion to approve the Treasurer’s report made by Lisa Lopatofsky
Seconded by Julia Murray
All approved, motion passed.
*All committee action plans are in the shared drive
Membership (Tammy Kitterman, Patti McGowan, Sandra Salerno)
Patti and Tammy reported that there remain thirteen free memberships and asked the Board to consider how we might use these memberships. They have asked the Board to consider:
- whether we might like to provide free memberships to any non-member attending FLC;
- renew stagnant memberships, if they are willing to pay for one year (buy one, get one).
- offer a free six-month membership and request renewal at annual drive.
Outreach (Patti McGowan, Molly Black, Sandra Salerno, Johnine Bickauskas)
- All Objectives are on target and met, except for Flyer that connects our group to social media. We are still working to create this Flyer as a handout and encourage a social media following.
- Outreach Committee is reaching out to the Advocacy Committee to consider preparing a handout on the Cogswell Macy Act or provide an opportunity at FLC to advise the families in attendance as an update by FATE participants. Another idea is to consider is showing the link to an NFADB sponsored webinar giving a history and update on the CMA by Dr. Amy Parker, sister of a sibling with a sister who is Deaf-Blind, EdD., COMS, Assistant Professor and Oregon State University. Please review and give an opinion whether to share at FLC during the Saturday evening dinner. The webinar is linked here:
Fundraising (Johnine Bickauskas, Lisa Lopatofsky, Julia Murray)
Lisa and committee will start a campaign on Custom-Ink Website (already created a non-profit page that will connect all future projects) and is working on a design for sale.
Advocacy (Lisa Lopatofsky, Meg Meyers, Johnine Bickauskas)
Nothing currently to report. Committee will consider request to secure four (4) family stories to submit to NFADB in the future.
OLD BUSINESS: 8:30-8:40
I/G, Facebook, Twitter Update – Lisa is working with Sandra – nothing new to report other than this will be a work in progress.
Nominations Update and Recommendations - Molly, Sandra, Julia
Molly shared information about the following candidates. The Nominations Committee highly recommends and requests Board members to go into the Google Drive and read the applications and Letters of Support so that this may be brought to a vote at the May Board meeting.
Dixie Stachnik
Jessica Lynch (Coffin)
Molly indicated that the Office of President is open for nominations and requests that anyone who is interested complete the nominations form or nominate someone to that position. Sandra Salerno has indicated that she has self-nominated and if voted would accept the office of Secretary for another two-year term. A vote will take place at the May meeting.
- FLC Sponsorship – Lisa – discussion noted on Outreach report.
- PPDB Table - Exhibitor information and membership table - (who will monitor?) Discussion occurred during the Membership report. Gordon indicated that he could monitor the PPDB table if Sandra (membership committee member) is unable. Molly & Patti will check with the Project as to what costs may/may not be covered for hotel/meals, or whether PPDB would cover those costs, if it is Gordon rather than Sandra that covers the table.
- Raffle at FLC. Discussion held whether to have a raffle at FLC. All indicated an interest in purchasing scratch off tickets. Johnine volunteered to collect the money and put together the bundle for raffling off at Conference. Johnine will contact the Board if pay through Venmo, or other form, is the most convenient.
GOOD OF THE ORDER: - Nothing reported
Respectfully Submitted,
Molly Black
On behalf of Sandra Salerno, Secretary