April 13, 2020 Minutes
Call to Order: Tammy Kitterman, President, brought the meeting to order at 8:01 PM
Present: Tammy Kitterman, Lisa Lopatofsky, Patti McGowan, Gordon Boe, Sandra Salerno, Juli Baumgarner, Molly Black
Excused Absence: Tina Hertzog
To the Board: There were no conflicts to the Agenda, however, Juli requested to add: Review Toolkit/Self-Evaluation to New Business.
Approval of Minutes: Lisa made the Motion to accept the Minutes of March 9, 2020 and Patti seconded the Motion. Motion Passed.
Treasurer’s Report: Gordon Boe, Treasurer, Balance is $3,147.57 – No new monies received this past month.
Outreach Committee - Patti McGowan and Molly Black, indicated no new activity, but reported that the NE CHARGE Conference was cancelled and rescheduled for September and the DB Family Learning Conference was cancelled for June, but may be added to the HELIX Conference in November, in some form.
Membership Committee - Tammy Kitterman and Patti McGowan, reported no new memberships.
Nominations Committee – Molly Black, Chair, shared that she had forwarded the Nomination Application of Johnine Bickauskas – for review and consideration prior to this meeting by email. The Nominations Committee (Molly, Patti & Lisa) wholeheartedly recommend Johnine to the Board. Vote will take place at May meeting.
Molly also had nominated Erin Gabriel to the Board. She has declined the nomination, but may reconsider at a future time.
It was determined that Juli’s term will end and the Board discussed appointing her to a Special Advisory role at the May meeting, allowable under Article VIII of the Bylaws as stated:
Section 1. Establishment. The Board of Directors may establish one or more Special Advisory Boards, Liaisons or Consultants.
Section 2. Size, Duration, and Responsibilities. The size, duration, and responsibilities of such boards, liaisons or consultants shall be established by a majority vote of the Board of Directors.
Molly also reported that there have been three officer nominations to the Board so far: Tammy Kitterman, President; Lisa Lopatofsky, VP and Molly Black, Secretary. Any other nominations are welcome and encouraged. This vote will take place next month following any vote of general board members. If Lisa does move into the VP role, her general board membership will be an open position for a year balance of her current term.
There was discussion around whether our Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws follow PA Non-Profit Law. Juli suggested we review annually and Lisa forwarded the state statute to all members by email for your review.
Title 15, Article B, Chapter 55, Subchapter A, Section 5504
New Business: Tammy
Molly & Patti indicated we are now in short supply of our exhibitor handouts items. Discussion was held around purchasing new/additional exhibitor supplies. Budget - $200 or 10% of balance of current budget year, which is $273.00, as of Sept. 1, the start of our fiscal year. Molly will get firm bids from our current vendor and see if items are even available because of state shutdown.
Fundraising – a short discussion occurred regarding whether this is an individual vs. whole Board responsibility. Molly feels that the Healing Place is still hoping to designate PPDB as a donation designee. Gordon mentioned that when PA Skills is back up and running, he will pursue a donation through his VFW. Patti suggested that a Fundraising Committee be formed. Gordon suggested a small games of chance license could run through his VFW. Tickets are printed and sold among the Members. Gordon volunteered to chair the Fundraising Committee.
Juli shared the results of the Self-Evaluation she conducted. She is requesting feedback on the Overview information that she emailed out. She will email it out again as a reminder. She indicated that we really never had a real Vision or Mission Statement. Toolkit #6 is about Strategic Planning and she wondered if NFADB could lead us through it. What we believe and our vision needs to be fleshed out. This would be what drives and gives us a clear vision of what we do as an organization. Patti said that it would be important to determine: Who we are; What we believe (vision), which should drive the Mission; and then give Our Purpose before we do any strategic planning. If we did do any strategic planning, will it be 1 yr. 2 yr. 3y,r etc.? Patti also suggested that we do not need a lot of committees. Juli would like an outside person to help us facilitate a meeting on strategic planning. Juli will work with Patti to talk about locating a facilitator.
Tammy read the following -
Articles of Incorporation:
- . The corporation is incorporated under the Nonprofit Corporation Law of 1988 for the following purpose or purposes:
Lisa made a suggestion of a Zoom meeting for concerned parents. She agreed to set it up for PPDB Open call – Triumphs and Challenges 8pm on Thursday, April 30.
Old Business:
Shout Outs –
April – Gordon
May – Lisa
June – Tina
July – Sandra
August – Juli
September – Tammy
October – Possible New Board Member #1 TBD
November – Possible New Board Member #2 TBD
December - Patti
January - Molly
Committees – Tabled until next month
Good of the Order - None
Adjournment - Meeting Adjourned at 9:33 p.m.