Call to order: Kristina
Present: Kristina, Patti, Jacki, Molly, Shelley, Juli, Tammy, Saneeka, Gordon
Approval of June’s minutes: Molly motioned for approval; Tammy seconds the motion
Treasurers report: Shelley
Tammy: spoke about the licensing of marijuana dispensaries. Her contact, Bob with The Healing Center, would like to sit down with her to discuss PPDB writing letters to other dispensaries to see if they will contribute their state required 3% donation to a community group to PPDB. The Healing Center has agreed to give PPDB 3% of their profits. At this time, PPDB is not being asked to do anything in return for the Healing Center’s 3%. Before we agree to work with other dispensaries, we will need to make sure a similar relationship continues. Should a dispensary ask PPDB for something in return, it will be brought to the board for review and approval.
Patti: Asked how we would get a list of names of the licensed dispensaries.
Tammy: the list is available on website.
(Tammy will handle writing the letter with Bob. Shelley would like to partner with Tammy to assist in working with Bob and other licensed dispensaries. Kristina offered to join Tammy when she meets with Bob and other dispensaries.)
Molly: spoke about her conference. She said it was great and she was able to talk about PPDB to the attendees. She recommended that we get new brochures. The current ones are very outdated. She said we are also short on pens. The next conference Molly is to attend is the Helix Conference in November.
Juli: Will get an estimate on new brochures. Molly and Juli will reach out to Sue Schaffer to see if she had an updated brochure, as she was working on one before the change in EC.
Fall outreach: ideas for the Bridgeville trampoline park. Tammy will get pricing and send it to PPDB via email. PPDB discussed doing the activity during the winter break so more families can attend.
The special needs nights are the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month.
Jacki will look into an Overbrook activity.
Kristina will introduce herself and PPDB to the new acting superintendent of WPSBC and ask if we can use the WPSBC facilities in the future.
New teleconference. Full board discussed the idea. EC will use the same free teleconference that NFADB is using to see how it works and the quality of the call. If it goes well, the EC will present the suggestion to the full board for a vote to switch companies.
Newsletter for the PA DB Project: Patti and Molly asked for something from PPDB to include in their newsletter. When PPDB schedules the Bridgeville trampoline park we will give the information to Patti and Molly before SEPTEMBER 22ND so they may be able to include it in their newsletter.
Sharing of information between PPDB and DB project: Jacki will share the advocacy emails between the groups.
Old business: Saneeka will privately reach out for the missing website information.
Kristina read the upcoming shout out list
Gordon asked a question:
How was the FLC? Kristina talked about the ice breaker and the spiderweb with yard. Molly and Patti talked about the reason for the spiderweb and our speaker Coach Cody.
Asked for the agenda sooner if possible and to make sure the phone number is correct on the email.
Saneeka suggested sending her an email with any ideas for the agenda at anytime not just before the conference call.