Meeting called to order at 7:30 pm by Kristina Kezmarsky, President
Members Present:
Kristina Kezmarsky
Tammy Kitterman
Molly Black
Gordon Boe
Patti McGowan
Jackie Brennan
Juli Baumgarnen
Saneeka Macon
Shelley Lill
Kristina motioned for the approval of January 14, 2019 board meeting minutes
Patti seconded the motion for the approval of the January 14, 2019 meeting minutes
Treasurer’s Report: Shelley
Starting Balance: $1,849.41
In/Out: 02/05/19 conference line -$0.19
02/19/19 deposit $10.00
02/19/19 -$50.97
Ending Balance: $1,808.25
Tonight’s discussion focused on the Modules relating to Board Business
Julie: The biggest takeaway from the Modules are the 3D’s (Duty of Care, Duty of Loyalty, & Duty of Obedience)
DUTY OF CARE examples are: active board members, structure/agenda, meeting minutes, responsibility, listserve/shout-outs, By-Laws, treasurers report.
Molly would like PPDB in the future to look into how we can allocate our current budget for training/marketing/travel etc and how much of our budget (dollar amount or % should we not exceed).
Patti added, to the topic of Duty of Care, that Board Members are ambassadors for PPDB.
PPDB should create an internal calendar of events for the board members so we can prepare for the Annual Membership Meeting, fundraising events, etc.
Julie: The next of the 3D’s is DUTY OF LOYALTY
Transparency is key to duty of loyalty. Make sure there are no conflicts of interest. (we should add to the next agenda a topic to further discuss).
Patti suggested starting all of our meetings with “does anyone have a conflict with the agenda items.”
Patti and Tammy volunteered to work on a conflict of interest form.
Julie: The last of the 3D’s is DUTY OF OBEDIENCE
This concerns compliance, to carry out and stick with out mission policies and budget.
Molly inquired about liability insurance?
Patti offered to speak on behalf of NFADB relating to this specific question. NFADB has discussed liability insurance at great detail over the years and in their discussion some professions say ‘yes’ while other professions say ‘no.’
Upcoming News:
Kristina: On February 19, 2019 is our Annual General Membership Meeting. Does the board have any thoughts, questions, or comments?
Juli suggested resending the ‘save the date’ letter to the listserv for the annual meeting.
Tammy volunteered to resend the email.
February: Shelley
March: Juli
April: Jackie
May: Tammy
June: Kristina
July: Saneeka
August: Patti
September: Molly
October: Gordon
November: Shelley
December: Juli
Respectfully submitted,
Kristina Kezmarsky, President and volunteer note taker