February 10, 2020
Present: Sandra Salerno, Patti McGowan, Tammy Kitterman, Gordon Boe, Molly Black, Lisa Lopatofsky, Juli Baumgarner, Tina Hertzog, Johnine Bickauskas
Call to Order: Tammy Kitterman, President – Brought the meeting to order at 8:02
President Welcomed all and everyone introduced themselves.
To the Board: Does anyone have a conflict with any of the following agenda topics? No conflicts were reported.
Approval of Minutes: January 13, 2020 Board Meeting Minutes, Patti McGowan made the motion to accept the minutes of the January 13, 2020 minutes and Gordon Boe seconded that motion. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Gordon Boe, Treasurer reported starting balance of $2943.20 with receipts of $209.37 and expense of $20 totalling $3132.57. A membership dues check was received, but will not be deposited and reflected until February.
Outreach Committee - Patti McGowan and Molly Black –
Patti reported that the Outreach/Social Committee purpose is to create and support awareness, events, and engagement toward the mission of PPDB. This Mission of the Outreach Social Committee is to promote better understanding of the organization through a variety of public efforts, forums, and social events to strengthen, foster, and support its membership and improve the visibility, understanding, and appreciation of the PPDB.
- Outreach opportunities – 3/3 Disability and Mental Health Summit in Pgh – hosted by Rep. Dan Miller – 7th year and celebrating 30th anniversary of ADA. Also an information table at FLC in State College in June.
- Conference Announcements – find details on our website regarding the following conferences: PDE Conference; NE Regional CHARGE Conference; Medical Expo Wayne County; AVA’s Voice disUSH Family Weekend; Great Start; CdLS Conference; PA Deaf-Blind Project Family Learning
- Advocacy Opportunities – 2/25 – Galludet University Educational Summit, 2/26 Day on the Hill-Advocacy Day Summit; NFADB Diana Griffin Board member and PPDB member will attend.
Board Votes:
Record Retention and Destruction Policy – Gordon made the motion to accept this Policy and it was seconded by Molly. Motion Passed unanimously.
Branding/Documents Process Policy- Gordon made a motion to accept this Policy and Juli seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.
Budget Policy – Gordon asked to table the Budget vote. Some discussion occurred, and it is understood that any Policy may be revisited annually. Motion was made to accept the Budget by Patti, seconded by Juli. A vote was taken Sandra, yes; Lisa, yes; Tina, no; Molly, yes; Gordon, no; Juli, yes; Tammy, yes. 6- yes and 2 no. Policy is passed.
Nominations Committee – Tammy reported that the Full Board was named to the Committee on January 15th, 2020 – Patti and Lisa and Molly will accept applications and review for recommendation to the whole Board. Tammy reviewed the Nomination Process:
- Nominations Committee formed on January 15, 2020
- Secretary will be directed to send out “Open Call for Nominations” 60 day timeline.
- Tammy will add the Call for Nominations on our Home Webpage
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Molly – NE Charge Conference is looking for donations and more information will be provided for consideration of this request, adding it to March’s Agenda.
Patti – Juli did a fabulous job and helping PPDB Policies going. All Board members thank Juli for all of these efforts.
Patti – reported that Jackie Brennan had emailed a sincere thank you to the
Board for the gift we gave we sent in appreciation for her service on the Board for many years.
Adjournment – Meeting was adjourned at 8:45 PM by President, Tammy Kitterman.