January 14, 2019
Meeting called to order at 7:32 pm by Kristina Kezmarsky, President
Members present:
Kristina Kezmarsky, President
Tammy Kitterman, Vice President
Saneeka Macon, Secretary
Shelley Lill, Treasurer
Molly Black
Gordon Boe
Patti McGowan
Jackie Brennan
Juli Baumgarner
Member excuse/absent: n/a
Treasurer’s report:
Beginning balance $2009.87
Deposits $24.37
Go Daddy $133.86
Ending balance $1900.38
Approval of minutes:
Motions to approve full board meeting minutes for August, October, and December were made individually, motions second and carried. Let the minutes reflect approval to post the minutes to papdb.org
New business:
Tammy contacted GoDaddy.com and the transfer to their domain was successful. Tammy has assumed the responsibilities as PPDB webmaster. The board is encouraged to review their bios on the website, forward Tammy updated pictures and content.
Nominations, Elections, Board Terms and Tenures:
The role of secretary and treasurer are open for nominations. Shelley and Saneeka have completed their second terms in their respective positions. In March, President and Vice President, Kristina and Tammy, will have completed one term and are able to be nominated for a second term which sparked lots of discussion about the bylaws (amended bylaw from 2011 and 2015, which Saneeka sent to the board during the meeting). There were questions regarding the annual general board meeting. Juli recommended creating a committee to review the bylaw, look to create a foundational schedule, and produce a document or plan separate from the bylaw that will allow the board the flexible e.g. move the annual meeting to fit the current circumstances and environment Gordon, Jackie, and Tammy will meet to review the bylaws (over time) and bring their recommendation to the board. This newly created team will be known as the Bylaw Review Committee.
The PPDB board will hold the monthly board meeting on February 11, 2019 @ 7:30 pm.
Annual General Membership Meeting: Kristina, President, will send an email to general member and post the call for a general board meeting on the list serv.
The PPDB board will hold the Annual General Board Meeting on February 19, 2019 @ 7:30 pm.
Discussion of Module/Toolkit #3: Discussion postponed until next meeting on Feb. 11. The board is encouraged the review the first and second modules before the meeting. Juli suggested we a spend 30 minutes discussing.
Good of the order: Juli, Gordon, and Jackie encouraged and thanked board members for their service and commitment.
Shout outs
Jan: Gordon
Feb: Shelley
Mar: Juli
Apr: Jackie
May: Tammy
Jun: Kristina
Jul: Saneeka
Aug: Patti
Sep: Molly
Oct: Gordon
Nov: Shelley
Dec: Juli
Meeting adjourned 8:34pm
Respectfully submitted by Saneeka Macon, Secretary