Call to Order: 8:02 PM Lisa Lopatofsky, President
Conflicts: None listed
Present: Molly Black, Gordon Boe, Juli Baumgarner, Johnine Bickauskas,
Danielle Cieply, Jessica Coffin, Elizabeth Foster, Lisa Lopatofsky, Sandra
Salerno, Dixie Stachnik
Excused Absence: Abby Denis, Julia Murray, Kristina Kezmarsky, Meg Meyers
Approval of November, 2023 Minutes
Motioned - Molly Black
Seconded – Dixie Stachnik
All in favor, the minutes were approved.
Gordon Boe - $19,002.69 December ending balance. Expenses: Train $259.92,
FATE Training $100
Full report available to general membership upon request.
Approval of Nov/Dec 2023 Treasurer’s Report
Motioned – Johnine Bickauskas
Seconded - Jessica Coffin
All in favor, the treasurer’s report was approved.
*All committee action plans are saved in the shared drive
Membership Sandra Salerno (Lead)
1. December Membership Drive - An email to the ListServ as well as a
Facebook post and Instagram post went out in January to encourage
members to join.
2. President appointed Nominations Committee Chair
a. Jessica Lynch and Molly Black were appointed to Co-Chairs of the Nomination Committee
b. Positions up for re-election - President, Secretary, General Board: Johnine, Dixie, Jessica
Outreach Molly Black (Lead)
1. Plan to display PPDB handouts at PaTTAN table for PDE.
2. Exhibited at HELIX in November, 2023
3. Table and volunteer exhibitor at FLC2024 needed - Gordon Boe
4. Spring Social Activity - discuss at subcommittee meeting in February - to
be scheduled for Feb 12, 2024at 8PM
5. OSEP/PDE Letter to be distributed to family organizations “to strengthen
support of the abilities and needs of children who are deafblind, including
intervener services”. Share with our members and post to FB page.
6. Meet the Board posts should be completed in January, but will resume
again with any new Board members in June.
7. Central Nov. Social Gathering - We had 2 families out of 4 who needed to
cancel at the last minute, and fortunately we hadn’t paid yet so we did not
lose money. The total cost was $259.92 instead of the original estimate of
over $400. It has been a challenge to bring families together for social
events due to the unpredictability of the medical status of the children, as
well as the long distances to travel.
Fundraising Gordon Boe (Lead)
1. Ideas to raise money to support regional events, FLC banquet, and annual
insurance if purchased?
a. Possibility of a 50/50 raffle and basket raffle was mentioned.
Advocacy Lisa Lopatofsky (Lead)
1. NFADB Day on the Hill will be April 16-18th. PPDB Members are
encouraged to either join the group in person or meet virtually with their
legislators. Prep meetings are scheduled for March 5th and 26th. Link to
view and register for training sessions
1. Do we still want to purchase annual liability insurance? The board decided
it was not a right time to purchase liability insurance, as the cost received
is $1,280 annually, which is a large chunk of our annual spend. NFADB
does not have liability insurance.
2. Holiday Card coordinated by Jessica Coffin - mailed to all members (great
1. We need to begin planning the FLC banquet and program to replace the
GFC Conference. Saturday night Dinner at FLC will be hosted by PPDB,
to replace the GFC Conference. The banquet will be in honor of Frank
Bathgate (and will speak about the generous donor)
2. Molly working with PaTTAN and Hotel for cost collaboration.
Suggested Framework -
■ Keynote speaker -Rep. Matt Cartwright or staff re: Cogswell Macy
Act - Sponsor
■ PPDB/NFADB representatives - who we are/what we do
■ Panel of Aged-out student/parent representatives discussing their
own secondary transition experiences and current adult service
status. Will invite 5 aged out families.
■ How to advocate for systems change
Please plan for Committee work on off months. Next Board meeting is at March 11, 2024, at 8pm
Respectfully Submitted,
Sandra Salerno, PPDB Secretary