Welcome to our new board members
and special advisor!
Call to Order: 8:07 PM Lisa Lopatofsky
Conflicts: None presented
Present: Molly Black, Sandra Salerno, Gordon Boe, Dixie Stachnik, Juli
Baumgarner, Lisa Lopatofsky, Johnine Bickauskas, Meg Meyers, Julia
Murray, Kristina Kezmarsky, Elizabeth Foster
Absent: Johnine Bickauskas, excused; Danielle Cieply, excused; Jessica
Coffin, excused
Approval of May, 2023 Minutes
Motioned - Molly Black
Seconded – Gordon Boe
All in favor, May 2023 meeting minutes approved as submitted.
Full report furnished upon request.
Gordon Boe - Expenses include the
social outings by region for a total of $419.50, website administration
$87.93, income from amazon smiles (now discontinued program) for
$20.95, and income from 50/50 fundraising of $130.
Approval of May/June 2023 Treasurer’s Report
Motioned – Sandra Salerno
Seconded - Dixie Stachnik
*All committee action plans are saved in the shared drive
Membership Sandra Salerno (Lead)
1. Free Memberships awarded to professionals at FLC Tammy Cooke
and others accepted.
2. Need to ensure new memberships are updated - Jessica Coffin to
update the membership spreadsheet in google drive, Sandra to
send email welcome letters, and Patti to update listserv.
Outreach Molly Black (Lead)
1. FLC - Gordon was exhibitor - Lots of foot traffic, his expense for
hotel room will be submitted for reimbursement, $136.53
a. Helen Keller Doll - Rhoades Family won
b. Please share pictures on Facebook if you have any
2. HELIX - November exhibit
3. Begin planning for fall social gathering by region - suggestion to do
zoo animal safari - Grove City
4. Introducing Board members continues - 15th of each month and
Fun Fact/Did You Know? on the 30th - add new Outreach
members. (So far - Tammy, Sandra, Gordon, Lisa, Johnine & Dixie
have been introduced.) *Board members should be prepared with
their bio’s and pictures, include intro bio and why you agreed to be
a part of PPDB, include pictures of your family if you’d like.*
Fundraising Gordon Boe (Lead)
1. 50/50 Raffle - collected $180 - Lazur Family won, but gave back as
a donation - $130 was in cash, and another $50 was a paypal
donation that didn’t hit the June statement, anticipated for July.
a. Sandra S. needs to send a thank you note
2. Need to come up with fundraising ideas to support the conference -
PPDB will be responsible for raising $50K to match the funds
provided in the grant. Some suggestions include Lion Club, VFW.
The conference will be held at Penn Stater directly following the
Family Learning Conference.
Advocacy Lisa Lopatofsky (Lead)
1. Gordon presented info at FLC about Nat’l Agenda and PPDB
Conference next year
a. Info was also included in the FLC registration packet
2. Need to consider Nat’l Agenda marketing materials to be
distributed at the Conference
3. Still waiting on new Federal Bill to be drafted for DB services/plan -
Deaf-Blind specific was pulled out of the cogswell macy act.
OLD BUSINESS: None discussed
1. Two committees must be chosen per board member
2. Each committee must meet and work on their action plan
3. Next meeting (Sept) will be annual membership meeting
a. State of the Organization - please make sure your
committees action plans are up to date and ready to share
4. Gather For Change (GFC) - Work Group created - volunteers
a. We would like to have some semi-firm details about the 2024
Conference so please respond to emails in a timely manner.
b. Many professionals have agreed to be part of the work group,
additional volunteers needed.
c. Grant requires monthly progress reports and pre and post
conference survey.
5. TK gift - To thank TK For her many years of service to the board we
are going to present her with a Hellen Keller award. Gordon is
working on this.
Thank you to Gordon Boe for his extraordinary work with applying for
and receiving the grant to host the Gather for Change conference!!!
Respectfully Submitted,
Sandra Salerno
PPDB Secretary