Call to Order: President, Tammy Kitterman, brought meeting to order at 8:03 PM
There were no conflicts of interest expressed with tonight’s agenda.
Present: Tammy Kitterman, Sandra Salerno, Lisa Lopatofsky, Johnine Bickauskas, Patti McGowan, Gordon Boe, Molly Black, Juli Baumgarner
Approval of February 2021 Minutes: Motion made by Gordon Boe and seconded by Johnine Bickauskas, all approved.
Treasurer’s Report: Gordon Boe reported in February a beginning balance of $7,798.29 with receipts of $100 for lifetime membership from Diana Griffin, minus 2.50 in expenditures from PayPal, leaving a total of $7895.79. For Board knowledge, Gordon also reported that we will have received two more lifetime memberships from John R. and Laura E., which will be deposited and noted in our March Statement.
Membership – Tammy Kitterman - shared the current membership roster and asked Board members to review and consider and reach out to anyone that you might personally invite to join the Board. She is encouraging all Board members to use the Google Suite and upload any reports of Committees hereafter.
Outreach – Patti McGowan & Molly Black reported the following (please refer also to the Outreach Report provided in an email and uploaded to the Google Suite): understanding what our members needs should drive what we do and how we meet those needs with available funds, or available support whether monetary or not. The DB Project is currently conducting a Family Needs Survey which should be completed April 1. It is likely this survey will help PPDB, as well, to consider any unmet needs that the Project may not be able to address, but PPDB could. The Outreach Committee recommends waiting until we have those results before we move forward.
In the meantime, John Reiman, retired, Cadre staff and psychologist contacted Patti and Molly to consider any supports he might be able to offer. He provided a list of ways to consider, which are noted on the Outreach Report. Juli suggested he might be able to help nicely with our strategic planning. Gordon offered to investigate with Juli this idea, and Molly agreed to act as a liaison and schedule a zoom meeting sometime before the April Board meeting.
Fundraising – Gordon Boe and Johnine Bickauskas – Committee has not met and will likely hold off until strategic planning occurs so that we know what we are fundraising to support. Johnine would like to request more members to this committee.
It was also suggested that a small pilot program be initiated and Lisa L. had forwarded an example application for review and comment. If you have not yet reviewed the example Application, please do so at the link here:
PPDB Grant Application
Please fill out this form in its entirety. Your application will be reviewed at the next available Board meeting and you will be notified of our decision shortly thereafter. Only one applicant, per household, per year. Making an application does not guarantee that you will receive a grant. If you have any questions, please contact Lisa Lopatofsky at [email protected].
Fill out form
Nominations Committee – Molly Black - one Board Application has been received from Julia M. – Nominations Review Committee will be recommending Julia to the Board, upon receipt of two letters of support. However, Julia will not be 18 years old until July 20. Therefore, Molly will be in touch with her to let her know we will hold her application and consider it thereafter. Tammy has researched and confirmed that Board members of non-profits must be of age. She will be invited to participate in any committees or witness Board meetings prior to any Board appointment.
1.Facebook/IG/Twitter - Tammy and Sandra have been working to conclude our social media launches. Tammy is working to migrate our current FB page to a public Non-Profit page so that we might utilize a donation button.
2.Strategic Planning – see notes above under Outreach Committee. Juli and Gordon to speak to John Reiman for possible facilitation of this planning.
ADJOURNED: Meeting adjourned at 9:21 PM
Respectfully submitted,
Molly Black, substitute note taker on behalf of Sandra Salerno, Secretary