Call to Order: Tammy Kitterman called the meeting to order at 8:01 PM
Conflicts: none listed
Present: Sandra Salerno, Molly Black, Dixie Stachnik, Gordon Boe, Tammy Kitterman, Jessica Lynch, Meg Meyers, Lisa Lopatofsky, Julie Baumgarner, Johnine Bickauskis (late arrival)
Absent: Julia Murray
Approval of February, 2023 Minutes
Motioned - Gordon Boe
Seconded – Lisa Lopatofsky
All in favor, minutes approved.
Approval of February, 2023 Treasurer’s Report
Motioned – Molly Black
Seconded- Meg Meyers
All in favor.
*All committee action plans are saved in the shared drive
- Membership (Tammy Kitterman, Patti McGowan, Sandra Salerno) *Jessica Lynch to join committee
Outreach (Patti McGowan, Molly Black, Sandra Salerno, Johnine Bickauskas, Dixie Stachnik)
Update from each Regional Committee member on location of May Social opportunity:- East - Overbrook Swimming?
- Central -
- West - possibly Aviary
Table Runner ordered and received. Invoice received for $118.99.
Patti and Molly to exhibit in May at Dan Miller Summit
Fundraising (Gordon Boe, Johnine Bickauskas, Lisa Lopatofsky, Julia Murray)
Advocacy (Lisa Lopatofsky, Meg Meyers, Johnnie Bickauskas Gordon Boe) Day on the hill planned for April 18, 2023
OLD BUSINESS: 8:30-8:40
- None discussed
NEW BUSINESS: 8:40-8:50
Nominations Process - Meg Myers & Molly Black, Co-chairs, and Sandra Salerno and Julia Murray committee members
1. Three Nomination Applications Received and Recommended:
Kristina Kezmarsky, Abby Denis, Danielle Ciepley
2. EC Board Nominees Received:
Balance of Tammy Kittermans President Term - Lisa Lopatofsky and Vice-President - Molly Black
Special Advisor - Juli Baumgarner has accepted one more term. Reached out to Dr. Elizabeth Foster, but have not heard back.
3. Meg Meyers and Julia Murray have agreed to serve on another term as a general board member.
Family Learning Conference -
1. Sponsored Entertainment - Sam Sandler, Magician and Sean Forbes, Deaf Rapper, no response yet.
2. Gordon mentioned considering sponsoring an alumni family for the FLC (family with child over age 21).
Website -
Dixie Stachnik will be taking over
ADJOURNED: 8:40 pm