Call to Order: Lisa Lopatofsky, President 8:04 PM
Conflicts: None listed
Present: Molly Black, Gordon Boe, Juli Baumgarner, Johnine Bickauskas, Danielle Cieply, Elizabeth Foster, Kristina Kezmarsky, Lisa Lopatofsky, Meg Meyers, Julia Murray, Sandra Salerno, Dixie Stachnik, Abby Dennis
Excused Absence: Jessica Coffin
Approval of September, 2023 Minutes
Motioned - Johnine Bickauskas
Seconded – Molly Black
All in favor, the meeting minutes were approved as submitted.
Gordon Boe - Ended 10/31/2023 with a balance of $19,381.61. A large donation was received in the amount of $600.
Full report available to general membership upon request.
Approval of Sept/Oct 2023 Treasurer’s Report
Motioned – Molly Black
Seconded - Dixie Stachnik
*All committee action plans are saved in the shared drive
Membership Sandra Salerno (Lead)
- Annual Membership Meeting Update -We have plans for the future to conduct an annual membership drive, as well as to prepare “elevator speeches” about PPDB that we can share with prospective members.
- We plan to coordinate with the outreach team to enhance our presence on social media.
- Need to send out a membership drive letter in December. (Sort members by expiration date and send email).
Outreach Molly Black (Lead)
- Oct 21, 2023- Monster Meet Up - West Fall Gathering -(Danielle) - canceled due to lack of interest.
- Mailed Brochures and “Connect with Us” Flyers to Pitt ASL Club for their student event.
- November 2023, will exhibit at HELIX Conference, Lancaster, PA
- November 18th, 2023 - Fall Foliage Express - Central Gathering (Sandra) The cost will be $416, which is more than the $300 we had originally allotted for this outing. The executive committee approved this expense.
- November - Meet the Board Post - Danielle
- December - Meet the Board Post - Kristina
Fundraising Gordon Boe (Lead)
- Discussion to be held on Nov 7th regarding the GFC conference. Will provide an update to the board.
Advocacy Lisa Lopatofsky (Lead)
- CMA has been reintroduced -
- NFADB representatives met with the White House Senior Advisor for Aging and Disabilities Communities as part of a panel of DB Community leaders to share the National Agenda.
- Gordon will share GFC info with the NFADB Affiliate Network at our next meeting at the end of the month.
- NFADB’s Day on the Hill is tentatively scheduled for April of 2024
- Holiday Cards - Jessica Coffin (Lead)
- GFC Conference - Updates - Gordon
b. Liability Insurance - may need to purchase with an event rider. Molly will look into insurance options.
c.. Venue - Penn Stater 6/22-24 Molly
Respectfully Submitted,
Sandra Salerno
PPDB Secretary