Date: October 9, 2017
Participants: President Kristina Kezmarsky, Treasurer Shelley Lill, Molly Black, Patti McGowan, Juli Baumgarner, Gabe Radzik,
Excused: Saneeka Macon, Tammy Kitterman, Jackie Brennan, Gordon Boe
Topic: Full Board Call
Next Phone Call or Meeting:
December 11, 2017
Discussion Notes:
- President’s Welcome: Kristina Kezmarksy-Welcomed the board. Roll Call, moved forward with PPDB Business
- Approval of the August 14, 2017 PPDB Full Board Minutes: Full Board- Juli B. made a motion to accept the minutes, Molly B. 2nd the motion, August 14, 2017 Minutes approved by PPDB Board Members
- Treasurer’s Report: Shelley Lill
- Beginning balance 1890.00
- 50.97 for 1&1
- 2.00 service charge
- 24.50 for Tammy Kitterman (stamps)
- Deposit of $144.00 making ending balance $1956.53
- Old Business Updates:
- Fundraising: No Updates
- Membership: Tammy and Patti will begin to prepare in November for the December Membership Drive. Juli suggested including a pdf of the new brochure with our drive and will help look into making the brochure accessible
- Out Reach: Molly: Shared good traffic during the Transition Conference in July. Molly will exhibit PPDB at the HELIX conference November 14, Vendor Day on behalf of PPDB. Possibility to exhibit at the 5th Annual Dan Miller Children and Youth Disability Summit March 22 or 23, 2018 ( add to future agenda)
- Social: Molly shared that the Tactile Carnival will be in York, PA October 21, 2017. Discussion about Tactile Carnival and updates –possibly be a part of FLC 2018 and would look for PPDB Board Members to help after DB Project Staff if needed
- Brochures: Molly and Juli: Molly and Juli worked with Sue Shaffer and have shared the final draft with the board. Juli had information on prices of brochure, however PA Deaf-Blind Project has offered to print 250 Brochures for free. Once completed PPDB will need to thank the Project. Gabe made the motion to take to vote, Shelley 2nd the motion – 8 votes as YAYS, (including Gordon and Tammy evote) Molly will proceed with the Project for printing in hopes to have in time for the HELIX Conference.
- New Business:
- Update from Tammy and Bob Veinovich and The Healing Center
- 60 letters were sent about 20 were returned. Tammy has not heard back from Bob’s partners and their responses.
- Kristina emailed the new Superintendent for permission to use the facility at WPSBC and we can have the ok to email and allowed if available.