April 10, 2017
Called to order and welcome at 7:35PM by Kristina Kezmarsky, President
Members present:
Kristina Kezmarsky, President
Tammy Kitterman, Vice-President
Saneeka Macon, Secretary
Shelley Lil, Treasurer
Gordon Boe, board member
Patti McGowan, board member
Jackie Brennan, professional member
Juli Baumgarner, professional member
Members excused:
Molly Black, board member
Jodi Reeves, board member
Members absent:
Gabe Radzik, board member
Meeting minutes: Approval of February 13, 2017 minutes. Gordon made the motion, Jackie 2nd the motion. Motion carried minutes approved
Treasurers report
New Business:
PPDB at FLC - Kristina and Shelley will represent PPDB at table.
Cogswell Macy’s Act
There was a letter that the DB Coalition shared concerning Pat Toomey and the Senate Sponsorship of Cogswell-Macy. As a parent group it would be great to have a point person for this effort from PPDB. We need an EC or general board member lead this effort or lead the “Advocate” committee. We are zeroing in on three states to seek Senate Sponsorship of Cogswell-Macy. Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Florida--we think we have a good chance. We are hoping to get information out to appropriate people who would be willing to contact Senator Toomey when he is home on recess April 12-21st.
Current Committees:
Do we want to keep all or some of the current committee? Yes
Do we want to add new ones? Not at this time
Should we combine Grant writing and Fundraising? Tammy and Juli will work on Grant writing and Saneeka and Kristina will work on Fundraising.
Should we consider adding a Website and Social Media committee? We’ll keep the website and social media separate, but we’ll ask Molly if she will take over Twitter.
Should we consider adding a Advocate committee? Jackie will help with Advocacy, Tammy and Patti (and tentatively Jackie) will help with Membership.
Executive Committee (EC):
The EC board meet 1-2 weeks before the full board meeting to help comply the agenda for the full board. The calls are not open to the full board and there’s aren’t any plans to open them up to the full board.
New Brochures:
We need updated brochures. I believe the registered address has to be changed from the Sue Shaffer’s address to Kristina Kezmarsky. Tammy and Saneeka will check with Molly and Sue to determine how many brochures we have left.
Old business:
Every will send their information to Saneeka for board bios and updated phone and email address.
What is the status of our grant from DDC?
After agreement from both the grant committee members and approval from the Executive Committee, PPDB will be requested that PADDC terminate the October 2015 Grassroots grant awarded.
Shout-out assignments
January Shelley
February Gabe
March Sue
April Patti
May Saneeka
June Kristina
July Tammy
August Jackie
September Juli
October Molly
November Gordon
December Jodi
Next PPDB Full Board Meeting: June 12, 2017 7:30pm