September 2020 Agenda
Call to Order: 8:05 Tammy
Present: Sandra Salerno, Tammy Kitterman, Gordon Boe, Juli Baumgarner, Lisa Lopatofsky, Johnine Bickauskas, Molly Black
Absent: Patti McGowan – excused absence
To the board: Conflicts with agenda? None stated
Approval of Minutes: Molly motioned, Lisa seconded, all in favor
Treasurer’s Report: Gordon asked for an explanation and understanding of how many new memberships we have given out so that those monies could be appropriately moved to the general fund.
Tammy shared that there are 8 new memberships since our Free Membership Drive began and those are listed in the Google Suite.
All agreed that if a new family is identified, we should offer them a free membership, and whatever monies are left from Tina’s donation can be offered during the December Annual Membership Drive.
Motion to approve the treasurer’s report– Lisa, Molly seconded, all in favor
New Business:
We discussed the possibility of a G-Suite tutorial and Tammy mentioned there are plenty of online tutorials that we could consider. Additionally, we are encouraging board members to share files via g-suite only to encourage this a main use of sending info among the board.
Old Business:
Progress on marketing brochure – The group agreed to use the mission on the brochure vs. the purpose for each of the committees. Be on the lookout for an updated brochure, e-vote.
Logo update – Be on the lookout for an updated logo, e-vote. NOTE: There is an upcoming October 1 mailing from the DB Project for the entire child count, we would like to include an updated brochure in that mailing. Molly has also asked PaTTAN to print the brochure on our behalf. Waiting to hear back whether that is a possibility.
Committee Updates
Bylaws Committee: Tammy and Lisa – no changes
*Fundraising: Johnine, Gordon, and Sandra – Met to complete the action plan. We discussed needing to review the fundraising modules and adding it to the October agenda for 10 min with Juli. Additionally, our strategic plan meeting will help guide us. We also may investigate finding members of the general board who are proficient in grant writing once we have our concrete strategic plan in place.
*Membership Committee: Tammy, Patti, and Lisa – update on the free memberships – 8 new members total taken advantage of out of the 25
*Outreach Committee: Molly/Patti – West, Lisa/Johnine – Central, Sandra - East - No new Outreach opportunities conducted, other than request to include Brochures in the PA Deaf-Blind Project’s upcoming mailing.
Finance: Tammy, Gordon, Lisa – no new updates
*Fundraising, membership, and outreach – can be general membership of PPDB, finance, bylaws, and nominations are only Board members.
Strategic Planning – Juli. Edgenie was not able to give us access to NFADB resources, PIVOT group will do a free consultation to see what the group needs to do. No price until after consultation – Edgenie will help us (Meeting to be scheduled with Edgenie , Juli, and consultant – open to board members to attend) Update on holiday mailing – Lisa and Johnine – no new updates
Instagram/Twitter – Sandra to reach out to Tammy to coordinate a time for next week.
Good of the Order – Congratulations to Molly’s daughter Abbey on her marriage!
Molly mentioned no meetings in December and that is a good time to consider meeting as a committee.
Board members should consider sharing docs only via g-suites to encourage use of that platform.
Adjournment – 9:05
Respectfully submitted,
Sandra Salerno